Chapter 10

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I stepped out of the bathroom in my PJ's. "Hey." the boys said. Zana and the boys were sat watching a movie on the bed. The only space was next to Louis. Oh great! I noticed that Zana winked at Louis just as I reluctantly took a seat next to him. Zana flicked the switch of the light beside her on the bedside table. I noticed Zana and Liam were huddled in a hug together.

 "I think I love you..." the woman on the film said. I felt Louis' gaze burn into me. Don’t look... Don’t look... I mentally thought. Oops. Too late. I was hypnotised by those eyes of his and found myself leaning towards him until Zana's voice filled the air. "Hold up! No guys, you cannot be doing this Imy!"

I pulled away and leant my head against the wall, "Im sorry, I don’t know what came over me." Louis stood up and ran a hand through his hair, "No, it’s my fault, I started to lean in. Ima go...." he was about to walk out the door. Liam walked after him.

 "Louis, you said you wouldn’t." I heard faintly. "He promised me he wouldn't mess with your mind. I know Imy, I know how you love Zayn. I know I can't stop you from doing what you want, but I think I'll tell the boys to go home so that it’s just me and you and so you can sort things in your head out properly and figure out who you really want. Liam will talk to the boys and they'll understand!" Zana said, desperately trying to help me.

"No! I love Niall... It’s just... I don’t know Zana." I sobbed. She wrapped her arms around me and hushed my cries. "shhh... Imy, it's okay. We'll stay here until you've sorted your mind out. I'll go tell the boys to go home," Zana waited for me to calm down until she left our room to go to theirs. I lay on the bed, thinking everything through. Zayn. I couldn’t love him, he will hurt me. Niall... I know I’m madly in love with him but what about Louis? His eyes, his smile, his personality, his sexy muscles... I didn’t think about Niall this way. I don’t know how I feel. Maybe Niall is just my protection shield? I feel safe with him. After that thought, the thought of kissing Niall was no longer appealing. I couldn't string him along, he deserved better. I knew exactly what i had to do; I had to go with my heart, not my head... I would forever be trapped in a life I didn’t want. I raced out of the door.

Zana was just walking in, "Imogen! What the hell are you doing!?!" I didn’t care if I woke people up. I saw them loading their luggage into the car. The lift was too slow so I raced down the stairs a few floors. "LOUIS!" I yelled. He turned around and stared at me. I ran up to him and jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist. He had to stable himself but once he did, he placed his arm around me so I don't fall off. "You're the one," I whispered, staring into his beautiful eyes.

"Good." he mumbled, pressing his forehead against mine. A huge grin smothered his face and my cheeks were pink. A huge smile had planted itself on my face. "What about Niall?" he asked. His smile faded and I lost myself in my thoughts. "Zana'll talk to him. She's good that getting people to understand," I laughed, scared of the reaction he'd give if i told him. 

I heard footsteps behind me, "No Imy, you will have to tell him yourself. It'll hurt more coming from me. I’m sure he'll understand, he's your best friend." Zana called out. How the hell did she hear that? Strange girl... "Can’t it be a little secret for a bit? Just until everything calms down? Then we can be together. It wouldn’t be cheating because we wouldn’t do anything. Just feel it." I whispered to him. He sighed and thought about it. "That could work!" Liam and Zana called to us. They looked at each other and giggled. They both were lovestruck, and completely naive about it.

"Well Imogen, it's your choice. Do you want to go back or stay here for a bit. They have a swimming pool and everything!" Liam said.

"Or i got an idea. Since we know they won't be doing anything, we can leave them here to enjoy themselves for a few days and we join the boys back home," Zana replied, but I noticed Liam looked a little disheartened. I could tell he was looking forward to being with Zana for a bit, but I wanted to stay here with Louis

“Yeah, we would like that. You guys should go home,” I smiled. Zana packed her things and both Liam and Zana got into the car, leaving us. Louis took me to the room they were staying in and I couldn’t help noticed how much better it was than Zana and my room. I know we’d promise them that nothing would happen but we couldn’t help it. Louis lowered me onto the bed and hovered over before placing his lips on mine.


Well that's it folks. The end with an epilogue to come your way. Thanks for reading. Fan and comment and Vote. xD

Imy & Zana ^_^ 

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