Chapter 4

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"Hey, there was no need for that," Zana said and then I rethought this, maybe that wasnt her intentions. It was funny though, she knew so much about all of us, yet we were yet to figure her out and I know from when we first met she had some sort of secret, but it amazes me how shes able to keep secrets like this. I suddenly ran through every possible scenario in my head of what her secret could be... She could be a jealous Directioner? Or a stalker? Or...Or maybe she and Zayn might be flirting to make Niall and me jealous? Oh God... What are they hiding? "Zana, can we talk... I mean seriously!" I asked, "I need to use the toilet anyway." Zana nodded warily and followed me to the cafe's toilet.

"Zana, please tell me whats going on? You hold so many secrets. First you were quite upset after the auditions and you say you feel weird but now you’re fitting in like you were always here. All the guys are telling you their problems and you have figured out mine but you won’t tell me anything! And... And whats happening between you and Zayn? I thought you liked Liam!?"

Zana looked down and nodded before chewing on her lip. She looked up and ran a hand through her hair. "Zayn... Zayn is my brother, we are twins. Nobody really knows about me, I just... I dunno. I just dont want you to get hurt by him, he's not good for you Im." she looked up and smiled reassuringly. Zayn did always say he had a sister - he said we should hang out, though we never did.

"WHAT! H-he's your brother, but you dont even have the same name! No wonder you won the contest. I just dont understand, do the boys know?" I was confused, yet not so confused at the same time and did she just mention that Zayn's not good for me? When do I get to make up my own decisions?

"I changed my name because I left. They only wanted a son, not a daughter, so they gave me away. I dont mind, I hate them anyway. Except Zayn... My foster-mum's surname is Kazi. Like me..." she explained. I hugged her and finally realised why she was so nervous. "Zayn didnt even know I was auditioning, I know he wouldnt give me a higher score anyway. He showed me the scoreboard, you were his favourite." I smiled and nodded. We laughed and went through the door. Her saying that I should stay away just attracted me to him more than a magnet and a fridge.

Zana and I resumed our seats and we didnt talk of this anymore but I found myself glancing over at Zayn every so often and smiling at him. I was amazed at how a boy could make me feel this way. Then my mind flashed back to Niall and his beautiful eyes, not to mention how sweet and funny he was... I think I like Niall more, and after Zana's warning I think he would be the safer option, but im more attracted to Zayn - im sure.

I was too deep in thought to notice everyone making their way out. "You coming Imz?" Niall called. I looked up and smiled. He shyly crept towards me. I raised my eyebrow and moved past him. He stopped me and pulled my hand towards him. He whispered into my ear a word. I blushed at the word... "Please?" he wont give up until I say i'm his will he? I smiled and strided away out of the doors. We were leaving, and I was happier than ever to get away.

I walked over to Zayn and forced him to place an arm over my shoulders because I felt protected, but I noticed Zana looked at me and frowned. Zana saw me looking and the frown turned into a smile and she started to talk to Louis. I also noticed that she was avoiding Liam's gaze who was staring at her.

"Um. Why do you want my arm around you?" Zayn questioned, a flirtatious smirk embedded on his face. I blushed and shrugged, "I guess i just need someone to make me feel protected and you were closest. Im just feeling low." I explained quickly. He laughed and nodded. "Riiiiiight." he winked at me and I saw Niall staring daggers. Zana then went over to Niall and whispered a few things to him, where he lightened up a little bit with a nod.

We waited on a patch of grass outside the cafe place; it was nearly empty. I decided I need a minute alone in the bathroom to think without anyone around me. "Guys, I gotta pee." they all nodded and said they's wait. I walked away and walked back. "I will show you where it is..." Zayn tutted sarcastically, already knowing I didnt know where the bathroom was. We got to the multisex bathroom and he waited outside. I was about to walk out when Zayn suddenly appeared and gently pushed me to the wall, his hands placed firmly around my waist. Our faces were inches apart. Just as his lips were about to touch mine Niall appeared....


OOH! Whats gonna' happen? Well, we know. But you dont. So... HAH. Hehe comment, vote and fan! :)

- Imy and Zana <3 x

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