Chapter 9

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“Whaat?" Louis said. I didn't realise I said the last part out loud. "But you're with Niall!" Shiteeee.

 "I... I know... I just... I don’t know Louis. Something about Zayn just attracts me. I love Niall more but there is just this part of me latched onto Zayn." I mumbled. He smiled, "Zayn isn’t good for you. Stay with Niall. Fight against those emotions... I’m sorry, it’s just, Zayn will hurt you." I sighed and stared him in the eyes. I had never noticed how gorgeous his smile was before. Or how his blue eyes shone against his tanned skin. What am i on? Is this a third crush? But Louis's so thoughtful and caring, that just comes to him naturally. Or does it?

 "Does what?" he asked. DAMN. I have to stop thinking out loud... "You are one feisty and strange girl. Me likey..." He purred jokingly making me laugh. I felt another tear roll down my face. I wiped it away and sniffled.

"You're the best Louis, you know that? You always know the right thing to say," I said to him, a warm feeling running through my body. Was I falling for him? Nahhh... I can’t be.

 "I love you Imz." he mumbled. "Huh?" I asked anxiously, "As a friend." he replied. "Oh.. oh, yeah I knew that," I laughed as we pulled up in front of a hotel. I went to open my door just as a car zoomed past, almost knocking me flying. But Louis blocked me from it and took my cold hand into his.

"You’re so clumsy." he joked. I smiled and ran a hand through my messy hair. I felt myself blushing as he didn’t release my hand. "You're beautiful you know," he whispered. Then he shut his eyes and shook his head as though he needs to snap out of it. "But you've got Niall." he smiled and let me go.

Louis walked a few paces in front of me, I could barely catch up. A while later, we were stood outside the hotel room. "Well this is Zana's room and next door is where Liam and I will stay. If you need anything, you'll know where to find us," Louis mumbled before walking to the door next to the one I stood in front of and knocked on the door. I did the same for the door in front of me and soon Zana, with a smiling face as though nothing had happened, opened the door and I walked in as Louis walked into his.

"Hey, you alright?" Zana asked me. I nodded and asked her the same question. She sighed and nodded. She turned on the TV and I went to have a shower. It would help me relax... I heard faint murmurs coming from next door, "You can’t like her like that." Liam said. "But I think I do... Don’t tell anyone Liam, please?" Zana knocked on the door. "Err, Imy, did you hear that?" she called from the other side. Crap... Did she hear what I just heard coming from the other rooms? Are the walls that thin? Zana and I need to be careful of what we say.

"Umm yeah kinda..." I replied. I stepped into the shower and turned it on, letting the hot water pour over my body. I could still hear them talking, "How long have you felt this way?" I heard Liam ask. "I only just realised."Louis replied.

I heard Zana mumble to herself, "Can things get more complicated than this?" She sighed. I hated the fact that Zana knew everything without having to find out about me but whenever i wanted to know something about her i had to literally beg it out of her. It annoyed me but I just got on with it. I stepped out of the shower and sung to myself as I dryed my hair.


Oh my God! Is there another in the equation? Is Zana right by commenting 'Can things get more complicated than this?' Tell us what you think. Comment, vote and fan. Thanks x

- Imy and Zana <3 x

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