Chapter 61: Royal Blood

Start from the beginning

Her words rung true. Fear had driven her to take the wrong decision, something she could only come to understand in hindsight, when the damage was done; but hindsight was never a tool one could count on to make a decision, and the damage was not permanent.

Holding out his somewhat battered hand, he reached for hers and then placed his other hand on top.

"You were wrong, but I understand your motives, mother - your mistake does not take the love away, does not take my respect for you away. Had it not been for you, I would surely have died that day, or perhaps later if Bandorion had continued to search for me."

Pulling her hand to his mouth, he kissed it reverently and then raised his eyes to hers and smiled.

Her own hand curled around his, latched onto it as if she hung from a precipice and then lurched forwards, wrapping him in a crushing embrace, eyes closing in utter relief, squeezing out the last of her tears.

"I have missed you, my son, and now that it is over, I will scream it to the four corners of Arda. You are my Son! My Sindarin, Silvan son..." she trailed off and then screwed her eyes shut.

Erthoron and Mithrandir entered the tent then, immersed in their own conversation, only to stop still at the sight that met them. The wizard smiled and Erthoron's face softened as his eyes glistened.

"At last," he mumbled, "at long last..."



The expertly crafted arrow hit the target dead centre and the onlooking crowds cheered in delight at the spectacle that Legolas was offering them. Rhrawthir and Idhrenohtar stood at his side and the three Silvans had challenged each other to a makeshift game, one Legolas was beating them sorely at. Indeed their aim had never been to beat him but to see who could come closest.

THWACK, THWACK - One in the inner circle, one a little further away.

"Rhrawthir, release your breath with your hand - they are one and the same, try again and do not release until I tell you to...

Standing behind the Silvan, he checked his stance and then sighted down the shaft, and the young warriors standing on the side lines watched, and made the movements themselves.

"Hold," he said, placing a hand on Rhrawthir's chest.

"Exhale slowly," he said, voice deep, almost hypnotic, waiting for him to obey, "release," he said, and then watched as the arrow flew true, straight into the centre of the target.

"You see!" said Legolas cheerfully before slapping Rhrawthir on the back so hard he stumbled forward.

Before long, when Legolas and his two companions were collecting their arrows, the improvised archery range was packed with eager young warriors, trying their own luck with their Warlord's instructions, while the elder, more experienced warriors exchanged impressions, their eyes often straying to an oblivious, soon to be Warlord.

The Silvan (Lord of the Rings-Legolas)[Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now