Chapter 14: The Path Ahead

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I have much news to share with you, promising news for the most part, but all of which you must be kept abreast with.

After much thought upon the matter, I have confided in Aradan and he is now fully aware of the situation. He, in turn, has told me the story of Lassiel, a story I know you were aware of. I now, also understand the question that has to be asked, for if The Silvan is here, upon Arda - where is his mother?

Aradan and I are now working closely together. He wishes only that Thranduil may redeem himself at least with me, that somehow my father can become the elf he apparently used to be, the one I cannot remember having met. As for myself what do I seek? Perhaps to understand - my father, my mother, how I should feel about having a half-brother - who can say for I certainly cannot.

The only worrying development so far is a comment that Rinion made at table not a week past. Word has come to him of the exceptional military skills of The Silvan, and has vowed to keep an eye out for him when he returns to the city. This cannot happen, of course, for it is as you say; his resemblance to my Lord Grandfather is uncanny. To this end I have devised a plan, one I believe may be suitable to all. I have previously told my father of my interest in tutoring in Imladris under Lord Erestor. I plan to remind him of it, and then execute my journey before you return. We would somehow ensure that The Silvan is part of the entourage. This is when I must speak to the boy, and Aradan will do likewise with the king.

It will be tricky, but Rinion is likely to precipitate things and I will have neither my father nor the Silvan lad finding out the hard way.

How goes the patrol? Send news and your thoughts on our plans...

Lainion folded the parchment and then burned it over the fire. Their plan was bold but he was strangely glad that Aradan was in with them. He had worked closely with the advisor for many years, while guarding the king's second son. He was a good man, a friend to the king and although Sindarin, was not sympathetic to Bandorion's notions of Sindar domination.

He would confer with Turion and write his reply as soon as he was able, yet what to say? That Handir had a half-brother with some strange power? That he fought like a devil possessed? Nay, he would say nothing for it was not, as yet, relevant. He scoffed to himself then, for how could something so transcendental be 'irrelevant.' The idea was absurd, but it was too much to reveal as yet - the players were unaware of their roles and until that changed, it would do no good to complicate matters beyond what they already were.

Raking his eyes over the patrol, Lainion lingered for a while on an apparently serene novice who now spoke timidly with the troop. He knew the warriors were still wary of the boy - unable to explain in any coherent way what they had seen. Some turned to talk of spirits and possession and although they did not really believe that, the seed of doubt had been planted. He knew the time had come to veer towards the south. It was time to show Legolas, or Hwindohtar as they were now calling him, that not all battles were fought with blades ...


"Was there something else, Aradan?" asked the king, his voice listless, tired.

"Yes my Lord. I wish to discuss the possibility of Prince Handir tutoring with Lord Erestor of Imladris for six months. I know he has already put the idea to you some time ago, but I wish to add my voice to the project. He will do well, I am sure."

The Silvan (Lord of the Rings-Legolas)[Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now