Chapter 58: Baudh Gwaith

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"Have a care brother, this is their last opportunity, I do not think they will be kind."

Legolas laughed, "I am used to that, brother. It will not bother me."

Handir held his gaze for a while, knowing it was true for he had seen it in the Council, that cool, detached expression as others referred to him in less than endearing terms.

"Keep a cool head," continued Handir as they walked back to the Council Hall, behind the King and his small party of dignitaries. "Do not let them anger you for that is when the mistakes come. Stay calm, analyse, speak with strength and move, do not stay in one place for too long - and no fidgeting with your hands..."

"Alright," chuckled Legolas, for his brother was making him more nervous.

The Councillors stood as the king entered, and then waited for him to sit before they, too, took their chairs, their conversation slowly petering out.

"My Lords, my Ladies. It is time for petitioners to speak before the vote is taken. Who seeks the floor?"

"I do!" called Barathon from the public area as he strode forward and then stood inside the circle.

Bowing to the king and then to his father, he faced Legolas and began to speak.

"I do not agree with the creation of a Silvan Warlord, and I do not second Lord Legolas as the one to fulfil that role - and, I would like to tell you why. Legolas, son of Thranduil king and Lassiel of the Woodland Realm," he began with a flurry of his hand. "While his Sindarin blood is noble, his Silvan blood is not, indeed Lassiel was - renowned - for her proclivities, shall we say."

There were hushed whispers as the councillors chanced a fleeting glance at the king and then at Legolas.

"His upbringing will have been less than ideal and his nobility highly questionable," continued Barathon. "Add to this his age - seven hundred and forty-four - and the fact that he has been a warrior for less than two years. I have never, my Lords, never heard of such an unsuitable background for a position of responsibility.

But there is more, for you see I was present for the trial of Legolas, and I voted against their ruling to invest him as a lieutenant. I saw his performance, and there was nothing to merit that promotion."

Barathon flinched when Captain Turion entered the circle, confident and completely calm, yet there was something in the way he moved, in the way he strode forward to face him that seemed almost - aggressive.

"Lord Barathon. You speak lies," he said into Barathon's face, before he moved away and then continued to speak as he walked around the circle.

"A quick word about Barathon's claims - he says these lies for he himself was left humiliated, wide-eyed and mouth agape when Legolas bested him in a, shall we say, extremely brief spar," he paused, allowing himself a smirk at a now red-faced ex-commander.

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