Chapter 36: Cry From The Other Side

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Legolas' heart thumped uncomfortably in his chest. Just the mere thought of seeing the shock and fear on the faces of those around him, knowing it would be because of him, because of his eyes - it was enough to turn his stomach; but that was not the full of it. Legolas had always been unnerved at the thought of some other entity entering his mind. Indeed he did not even know if that was actually what happened, and therein lay the only reason why he had acceded to such an experiment. He was frightened - of himself - and he hated it. Although his gift had been useful to him on the journey here, and before, during the fire in the forest, the very fact that he did not know where it came from, why it had been bestowed upon him, to think that he could not control it, that it controlled him... the throbbing weight on his chest was relentless and he breathed deeply in a futile attempt at regaining some semblance of balance.

Soon enough, Legolas spotted Elrond sitting upon a bench together with Glorfindel and spite of his apprehension and nervousness, he smiled at the unexpected presence of his mentor, his friend.

"Good morning!" said Glorfindel jovially.

"Morning," answered Legolas sullenly, wondering why the commander was in such an enviably good mood.

"Today will be a great day, child. We will finally get to see what it is you are gifted with, and, we visit the smith, design a weapon for you."

Elrond smiled at Glorfindel, knowing he was enjoying himself as he had not done for many years. He had found a kindred spirit in Legolas and Elrond recognised that for what it was.

"Come sit, Legolas, gestured Elrond. "I have been reading, investigating similar cases to your own, reports of Silvan and Avarin Listeners and the likes."

"And what do they say?" asked Legolas, his vulnerability now clear for the lords to see. He was frightened, and it irked him that he could not hide it.

"While similar in some ways, what you have reported is, as yet, undocumented. This is new, whatever it is. What can be learned today will not only benefit you, Legolas, but any others who share this ability with you."

"How are we to go about this?" asked Glorfindel.

"I do not know, my friend. Legolas?"

"I have no idea, my Lord. Perhaps, if we just walk and I am left to my own mind - "

"Alright. Wander freely Legolas and we will follow. Clear your mind, think of nothing save for that which surrounds you. Focus if you can, on the trees, open yourself as best you can and if anything happens, do not startle, do not be afraid - you are safe with us..."

Legolas held Elrond's gaze for a while, before nodding, and moving away from the bench. With a deep breath, he cast his eyes around the gardens and then began to walk.

It was cold but the sun shone brightly upon his path. The air was laden with the smell of wet soil and the chatter of robins and wrens that flittered here and there, as if everything was as it should be - but it was not, not for Legolas.

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