Chapter 58: Baudh Gwaith

Start from the beginning

"And what of his insubordination?" called Silor, holding his ground. "Is that now to be condoned?" asked Silor incredulously.

The heavy clank of boots over stone heralded the arrival of an elf, a heavy one - Ram en' Ondo.

"Silor - you may remember me. When you saw his eyes and called him "demon of Morgoth?"

There were giggles and snorts from some of the councillors and the audience beyond, but Ram en' Ondo pushed forwards.

"And then, in your panic, you ran for him - what would you have done if I had not stepped in front of him? To protect him?"

"I would have hauled his backside to Lieutenant Galadan!"

"And that is what you did, isn't it? You physically dragged him across half the camp and then complained bitterly to your tutor lieutenant, completely ignoring the warning you were being given, and amidst the squabbling - we were ambushed," said Ram en' Ondo, his voice rising with every word he said. "Your prejudice, your disdain for the Silvan warriors was above even the safety of your prince!" he shouted. We lost four warriors in that battle, and would have lost more had Legolas not fallen back to protect the injured. He was lost for two days! Until Lord Elladan found him and brought him back, broken but alive. Who?" seethed Ram en' Ondo, "is the demon of Morgoth?"

Silence stretched on as the council thought on Ram en's words, and as the mighty warrior left the circle, Lieutenant Galadan took his place.

"I second Ram en' Ondo's account," said Galadan, waiting for the giggles to subside again, for 'Wall of Stone' was not a widespread name.

"I struggled to get that caravan back to safety, together with Lord Legolas and Galdithion - otherwise known as Rhawthir," he ventured, and laughter exploded, before quickly dying down as Sedren frowned. "I fought with him, pushed myself to exhaustion with him and believe me - there is nothing evil about him, there is nothing disloyal - Lieutenant Legolas showed his skill as a commander to me that day and I had no need to listen to the Inner Circle's judgement, for I already knew I fought beside the greatest warrior this land has ever seen."

Galadan's eyes lingered on Legolas for a moment, watching as the Silvan nodded solemnly at him, not in arrogance but in gratitude for his words.

Silor shot one, last irate glare at Legolas, before turning on his heel and leaving the circle.

Thranduil shot a questioning glance at Elladan, for he would not have heard the details of that ill-fated journey.

"Are there any others that would speak?" asked Sedren.

Everyone was sure that Bandorion would have one final attempt at persuading the Council, but to their shock, he remained seated and Handir's brow furrowed for it did not make sense. Surely he had not admitted defeat?

"It is time to vote. Please stand and state 'aye' or 'nay'.

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