Far For The First Time

Start from the beginning

It was quiet, and all that could be heard was the rustling of the leaves. I smelled a roast of some sort and baked bread in the air. Neil, Pete, and I followed Daven and Roylin as they led us to a cabin that was well lit by candles and jarred fireflies outside. Smoke came up from the top of the cabin and the smell of food invigorated my taste buds.

"Welcome to our humble home." Roylin said.

"I'll show you my house tommorrow." Daven replied."We chose Roylin's house because it was larger than mine."

"Thanks guys." Neil answered.

Pete and me smiled showing the same appreciation.

A lady about the age of forty-eight moved about in the kitchen and placed on the table utensils and plates. She smiled as we entered the room and went to carry in some food onto the table. We offered our hand and placed the remaining food in the middle of the table. I carried a basket of rolls and set it next to the roasted lamb. Candles in jars decorated the inside and some red carnations stood inside a vase. I glanced towards my friends and the scents invigorated my mouth.

We stuffed our teen faces and was welcomed by the busy mom. We talked and chatted through the night.

I yawned and placed my hand in front of my mouth.

Neil stretched out his arms wide and Pete who was beside him had his eye lids failing him in an attempt to keep them open. They closed slowly and shut open continually.

"Roylin, why won't you show our guests their rooms." Mrs. Hawkner suggested picking up on our tired signals.

"Yes, mom." answered Roylin kindly."Come on guys let me show you guys your rooms, looks like were all exhausted."

He walked us down a short hallway and showed us his room. A bow and quiver hung on the wall and little daggers sat on a desk he had. Two beds were squished into the room and piles of sheets and blankets were folded on top. A closet door stood on the left side and paintings hung next to it.

"This is my room. All the guys will sleep here, we have a different room for you Angel since, your a girl."

Sometimes I did think that the guys always had the fun. They all got to stay with each other and always did the dangerous stuff, but I knew that I was a girl and I'd always will be. God made me like this and I have no excuse for it. Every side has its ups and downs. Actually now to think of it, I wouldn't have to be in my own seperate room if I were the other gender. Other than that, I am satisfied with who I am, I am uniquely me and no one can change that. It would be wrong otherwise to think that God didn't make me right. Overall He is God. He knew who I was before I was even alive. He has reason why I am who I am.

I could still be dangerous and do dangerous stuff, yea, but I will always be a girl. I smiled. "Thanks Roylin, that's really nice."

"Uh..um,yea." He rubbed the back of his head with his hand and stared at the ground."No problem."

We all looked at each other for a second, and then Roylin broke the silence.

"Hey, uh Angel?" He tried to look me in the eyes.

"What Roy?" I looked back to his eyes. His eyes then moved about as if he were nervous.

"Do you want me to show you to your room?" He placed his hands behind his back again.

"Um, sure, but I wanna check out your room first, then maybe we all could check out where I'm staying."

"Oh, uh sure."

If I knew any better, Roylin seemed nervous. Maybe, he thought his room was messy? I giggled.

"Huh?..uh..why are you laughing?" He stumbled and looked at me with alarmed eyes.

The Roaming Archer (NaNoWrimo13&14) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now