Nothing To Lose Anymore...

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  • Dedicated to my family

Author note: Music on the right for reading :)

Credits to song goes to Jo Blankenburg


Collapsed buildings and blazing fire engulfed the streets of beautiful Fatenturia. Our kingdom just couldn't hold back any longer.

The armies of Greanger charged into the gates and annihilated everything and everyone in their path.

It had been made previously that a back up plan would be used in these very circumstances. A safe house that contained weapons, packs ,and supplies were to be loaded and taken for escape if something urgent such as this happened in Fatenturia.

The King told a special group of people about it and gave the keys to the building. This group of people weren't just your ordinary locals; Oh no, they were trained for tragic events like war. They were trained to adapt and solve problems that would come along. This group was the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the learned, and the top of the class.

They were also responsible for taking care of the princess who was next in line. Once knowledge of Greanger had access within the walls, they would know what to do.
Thump, Bang! "Their coming." One of the men said. He ran and told the King and Queen. 

Wham! Crack! They were in the castle!

Some of the villagers already started heading to the woods before the armies of Greanger could catch up with them. One of the group members took me, but I wanted my mom and dad. I was still a baby, and they tried their best to keep me calm. We watched our city fall that day, but even as a babe, I could feel something was truly wrong. I cried and cried while I was on the soldier's arm.

I watched the fire burn down my home as we fled to the dark woods. A soldier cradled me in his arms to stop the tears and tried to hush me because a group of Greanger soldiers were right behind our tail. It scared the civilians that they were very close. Seeing something needed to be done immediately, the group leader motioned to hide in the trees. The leading group led the people and told them to be calm and quiet, but I was not. I kept crying, but I was just a baby, helpless, wanting her mom and dad.

I was quite startled of the soldier that held me. I cried more because he looked like a walking can that made loud clanging noises. Not only did his armor scare me enough to cry, but he also had hair that covered his chin and nose resembling to me as animal fir. To me he looked like a monster or a beast! He kept making "shhhuishing" noises and small drops of spit occasionally went out of his mouth.

I cried even more.

As humorous as the situation seemed, it was not. The deaths of villagers awaited them.

Finally, the soldier became frustrated and handed me to the king and queen's maid. She held me in her arms and I finally hushed. Everyone had a sigh of relief, but they were still searching for us.

Up in the trees we were; two of Greanger's men were right beneath us.

"Did you see any of them?" The chasing enemy stopped his tracks as he panted air.

"I saw them head this way, but I couldn't see them over the small hill when I got back. They were ahead of me." Another man appeared from underneath the leaves.

snap! Pieces of leaves fell from the trees above the heads of two Greanger soldiers. The faint crackling caught their attention.

"Did you hear that?" He whispered in the midst of the quiet rustling of leaves above.

The other soldier nods, and in-distinctively pointed up to the trees. The leader spotted his signal. Although the Greanger men knew where we were, the best team of Fatenturia had their bows and weapons already aimed on them.

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