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wroetoifuckgoats added bigdickjj to the chat

wroetoifuckgoats added toebi to the chat

wroetoifuckgoats added si to the chat

wroetoifuckgoats added josh to the chat

wroetoifuckgoats added feelthepayne to the chat

wroetoifuckgoats added vikkram to the chat

wroetoifuckgoats: are you a goat? because i would happily fuck you

si: fuck sake harry stop.

feelthepayne: who the fuck is this guy. because he is legendary

vikkram: hi guys

toebi: hi vik

wroetoifuckgoats : im the guy that apparently fucks goats and is into incest

josh: why only apparently? si told me it was true

si: i did not josh , stop lyiNG

bigdickjj: oooo bEEF

wroetoifuckgoats: guYS I DONT FUCK GOATS. I LIKE WOMEN OKAY.

feelthepayne: aye me too, dont worry

toebi: what even is your name?

vikkram: yeah, i feel a little uncomfortable as i type that whenever i want to speak to you...

wroetoifuckgoats: oh im harry but you can call my haz

si: you can also call him incest.

feelthepayne: hOLY FUVK SIMON BEHAVE.

josh: i fucking hate this chat.

toebi: oi no you dont.

si: then leave babe xo

vikkram: i feel offended josh

wroetoifuckgoats: aye, i just arrived dont hate it already

bigdickjj: do you hate this chat as much as you love simon though?

josh: i cant answer.

feelthepayne: fuck off josh.

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