The Bucket List: Chapter One

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Author's Note: So, hey guys! Thank you so much for the support, comment and votes. Every single one of them means alot :D And so much for your support, we're Adventure #37 - Teen Fiction #48 - What's Hot #760! Thank you all so much! Now I'm talking way too much. 

Happy Reading and Happy New Year!


The Bucket List – Chapter One

 “What’s the list for?” Gab asked as she twirls her red curls between her fingers and taking a long intense look at me like I killed someone last night.

I placed the last of my clothing into my bag and closed my drawer with big sigh. I turned to her, “That’s my Bucket List, Gab. You know, like a wish list.”

She beamed. “Cool! You know, I think I want to make my own. And maybe you’ve come back from College, we’ve both do everything in our bucket list together!”

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. “Maybe, Gab. Maybe,” I say. It was kind of hard to say that because by that time, I wouldn’t be sure about everything. I’m not even sure about her condition at this point either.

It happened last Monday, around one in the afternoon I was doing some wardrobe check when I heard something crashing in the kitchen. First, I thought it was just Gab who is washing the dishes. It might have slipped in her hands, but when Mom checked, she quickly called Dad and ordered to go to the Hospital. Pronto.

Without any instruction, I hopped in the back sit and totally unaware what is happening. Then Mom ordered me to sit shot gun, and that’s when I saw my little sister totally lifeless. She’s still breathing, but she’s white as dead, Mom kept praying. And I did too.

By the time we arrived at the hospital, Mom’s sister, Aunt Bee, already had everything in place and Gab was rushed to ER. Panic jolt into me. What just happened? Really? What just happened?

Mom paced while Dad buried his face into his hands. “What’s happening? What just happened? Why is Gab in the ER?” I finally felt strong enough to ask aloud.

Mom looked worried. “Your sister’s sick.”

I pursed my lips. Sick? Like flu or cold kind of sick right? I felt myself smile. My sister has a bad case of asthma, she’s alright. Aunt Bee is going to make it alright. Then my smile faded when I saw Mom was crying.

“Way worse?” I asked, and she just nodded. Way worse than flu or cold? Is there some kind of other disease spreading out lately? Because if there is, I’m going to need my Aunt’s help with that.

I stood up and asked Dad for the car keys. Without hesitation, he gave it to me. I smiled a little. I want to think about now. I don’t what’s happening. But all I know is that I want to talk to someone, anyone. I want to get my mind off these events.

I drove into the park and took five heavy deep breaths. I thought about Mom’s pacing and Dad’s face buried in his hands. Something’s really bad. I just wish they’d tell me. But scaling from one to ten, I bet three.

“Hello,” Gab said as she snaps her finger right in front of my face. I closed my eyes and shook my head. “You phase out a lot these days, Liz. It’s giving me creeps.”

I shivered. “Me too, Gab. Me too.” I sighed as I recall them. They were confusing alright. And as if proving my bet to myself, neither Mom, Dad or Aunt Bee to me or Gab about her condition which sucked.

She peeked at my bag, “Do you really have to go away?” She asked in baby-ish tone. I felt myself smile with that. It’s been a while since I heard her talk in that way.

“I do. Why? You’re not going to miss me, are you?” I teased. We broke into smiles and before we even know it, we’re wrestling in my bed.

“Ehem. Dinner is served,” Dad says as he passes my room. I ruffled Gab’s hair which earned me a glare but I just laughed it off.

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