Okay, so maybe biting his fingernails wasn't his only sense of comfort but it's the only thing he can rely on. He forced himself not to pout and cling to Liam as he pulled away and led him into the dressing room.

He looked around at the people running around the room, shouting all kinds of different things. Niall only heard something about make up and clothing before he was being pulled into a chair.

He let out an 'oof' and looked up at the person with wide eyes. He closed them though when he felt a brush moving across his face, making him whine in protest.

Liam laughed and sat down in the chair next to Niall, getting the same treatment, "It's make up, Ni. It's required." Niall looked over at him and made a face before feeling his head being turned back to face the mirror.

He let them finish up the make up, covering up every blemish. He then was pulled out of the chair and Jesus Christ, does everyone manhandle you around here?

He was led over to the rack full of clothes and had a pair of skin tight jeans thrown at him, getting told he was wearing no shirt for the shoot. He went into the bathroom and closed the door, not feeling comfortable with changing in front of everyone.

He stripped off his t-shirt and his jeans before looking at the jeans they gave him. They were blue with orange seams and they looked really, really tight.

It made Niall cringe just looking at them. He adjusted his white Topman briefs and let out a breath.

He grabbed the jeans and slid his right leg into them, having a bit of trouble. Once he got his foot through the hole in the bottom, he slid his left leg into the jeans.

He started to hop around as he tried to get it through and ended up backing up into the wall. He leaned against it to help him get his leg through.

Once it was he pulled the jeans up, forcing them over his thighs because of course, God gave him big thighs. He couldn't help the smile that spread across his lips as he thought of the night after they had dinner.

Liam had spent all night worshipping his thighs, biting them, sucking marks onto them and even started thigh fucking him until he was begging for his cock. He licked his lips and shook his head to push the thoughts away.

He slid the jeans up over his arse and settled them on his hips. He fastened the button and pulled the fly up, groaning a bit at how suffocating these were.

Were they trying to make him loose feeling in his dick? If so, they were doing a wonderful job of it.

He didn't look at himself in the mirror. He didn't want to.

He just opened the door and stopped, looking up at Liam who had his hand posed to knock. He looked over Liam's outfit and took a deep breath.

The boy was wearing skin tight jeans just like him but they were black and probably weren't suffocating his legs that much. He was also wearing a white button up shirt that had the top three buttons undone, and the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows while the bottom was tucked into his jeans.

He was so engrossed in how Liam looked that he didn't notice Liam's breath hitching and the way his eyes darkened as he looked Niall's body over. He was brought out of his daze as Liam turned him around in a circle.

He felt a blush come over his cheeks as Liam smiled at him, his eyes shining, "You look amazing in those, Ni." Niall scoffed and crossed his arms, "I would think that too if my dick wasn't suffocating."

Liam let out a bark of laughter before grabbing Niall's hand and leading him towards the set. Niall followed and looked at everyone, his eyes wide and taking it in.

Niam Smutजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें