Chapter 5|| Vines in training

Start from the beginning

"Okay, when am I leaving then?"

"You've got an hour"

An hour? Wow, they must be really missing me back on planet chaos. I looked at Rocky who had a glimpse of sadness in his eyes, but that glimpse was soon gone, Rocky and I had planned a feast tonight, as a farewell to me for these past six months.

"I will go get my stuff ready" I said, I picked up my bag and ran to Rocky's hut. I hadn't come here with much stuff, just a few change of clothes and riptide, and a picture of Annabeth and I and a journal.My stuff lay around, here and there, my clothes lay in a pile next to the hammock that I had been sleeping in for these past six months, I picked up the pile and stuffed it into my duffel bag, once all my stuff was packed I walked out the door and found Rocky sitting on a root throwing stones into the water. "All my stuff is packed"

"Great, uh Percy, I want to tell you something" Rocky said, I walked up and sat on the root beside him, "You know, the last Omega trainee I trained was a guy named Kyle, an earthling like you" He said playing with a vine, "He was powerful, and had many talents just like you, only he held too much anger, it took a few years for Lord Chaos to realize his mistake, Kyle started to overuse his power, his Alphas weren't his second in command, they were his servants. Anyway kid, what I'm trying to say is that, don't become Kyle, but honestly I don't think I have to worry, because you have a big heart. You're loyal kid, to your girlfriend and I'm sure you will be just as loyal to Lord Chaos, and your Alpha squad"

"Thank you, sir" I smiled, the trees started to rustle as a dark ship hovered down into an open spot, the door moved out like a ramp, I held out my hand as a gesture, "Thank you, for these past few months, I don't think that anyone has ever made me sweat as much as you have, many of my PE teachers would be jealous"

"Your welcome Jackson, anytime you're ready to sweat you know where to find me, good luck, Omega" Rocky said shaking my hand, when he removed his hand, leaving something in my hand, I looked and found a vine bracelet in my hand, "You've made me a promise, you will always be a loyal Omega, this bracelet will change color if you aren't"

"I promise to be a loyal Omega, sir" I promised, "Thank you again for everything, but I must get going my Lord awaits along with my army"

"Goodbye Omega, and good luck" I picked up my bag and began to walk up the ramp, "And shave and get a hair cut!" He called after.

I chuckled and put my bag down, I walked over to a metallic wall and looked at my reflection, my hair was now at my shoulders and was messy, I had a beard starting to grow, my face was dirty, well I guess I know what to do when I get back.

"Sir, can you please take a seat, we are preparing for liftoff" A guy asked who I assume is the pilot.

I took a seat and buckled up, the jet took off moments later. The swamps became smaller and smaller, until all I could see was its planet. I didn't pay that much attention to the route this time, I played with the bracelet on my right wrist and thought about the future to come. Am I ready for the future? Am I ready to become an Omega?

"Sir, we will be arriving in a few minutes" The pilot said from his seat.

By a few minutes, he literally meant it, in three minutes we arrived at the takeoff point, I grabbed my bag and put the strap on my shoulder and walked down the ramp, a black car waited with a man in a suit wearing aviators. I walked up to him, the man said nothing he just opened the door and gestured for me to get in. I got in and he closed the door behind me. The man got in the drivers seat and drove me to the Chaos Headquarters, another man waited by the door, I got out with my bag over my shoulder.

"Welcome back, Mr Jackson, I trust that your training was successful"

"Yes, thanks"

"Sir, may I lead you to your room, where you can get cleaned up, before you meet with the lord himself?"

"That would be a good idea" I smiled.

"Right this way"

This chapter wasn't the greatest, but don't worry the next one will be good, we may or may not meet the Alpha's

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This chapter wasn't the greatest, but don't worry the next one will be good, we may or may not meet the Alpha's.

Percy Jackson: The Great Army of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now