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Milk's human returned home from work one day, along with a bag of fish treats.

"These are from Kristy," She said. "so don't eat them until I finish taking a shower. She's a cat maniac and wants a video of you eating these treats." She placed the bag inside of the kitchen cabinet. She left to take a shower.

When Milk's human came out of the shower, she dried off, put on her favorite donut pajamas, and walked into the kitchen.

"Huh! Milk!"

For the kitchen cabinet was open, and Milk had his face stuck inside the bag of treats, gulping down the last one.

"What am I going to tell Kristy? Shame on you, Milk! Shame!"

But there was no space in his mind for Milk to feel shame. It was full of satisfaction and tastiness.

A few hours later, Milk was in his human's arms, vomiting into the toilet bowl. It turned out that Kristy had attempted to make those treats by hand.


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