More Marco

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After a few minutes of painfully stupid crying and showing Marco his injuries, Marco finally figured out Milk's dilemma. But that was not the end of the pain. Marco's clumsy hands could not focus on a single thorn, and it took at least half an hour to extract them all.

Marco continued to speak to Milk as if he were human. He asked about his favorite interests, hobbies, and pastimes.

"Hey, hey! Do you have a dream?"

A dream. It was a simple question, yet something quite difficult to answer. What did Milk want to do? His selection of dreams was far narrower than human's. All he could do was eat, sleep, scratch things with his claws, and not much else.

Milk recalled an old mentor telling him something that stuck with him: Cats are cats. We can't have dreams. We eat, we sleep, we scratch, we live.

Milk pondered these words. What did it truly mean to live? Did some lives matter more than other's? That didn't sound right, it didn't sound fair. But it seemed like the lives of humans were much more interesting, much more exhilarating.

Milk could not think of anything. He simply stared at Marco.

Marco brightened up. "That's okay!" He said. "I can help you find your dream, I can help you find your ambition!"

And so he ran out of the room. A few seconds later he returned with a book. He placed it onto the desk and started to flip through the many pages. Marco stopped at one with an enormous map. He pointed to one of the land masses.

"See? This is where we live!" He pointed to a large green land mass on a body of blue water.

Marco continued to explain all the continents and countries of the world. Milk was amazed. There were so many people, so many. He was incredibly fascinated by it all.

"Isn't it great?" Marco asked.

Yeah, thought Milk. It really is.

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