Chapter XXII || Unleash

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“I haven’t figured out how to use Death against Fang yet,” Ivy says, frustrated. 

“Calm down, you’re smart you’ll figure it out,” Jace assures her.

“Uh-oh,” I stammer when Lillian breaks off an enormous piece of the wall.  Almost every object in the room starts erupting from Lillian’s wrath. Someone, help us. The wall zooms towards us and I’m too shocked to move. Adam pushes me out of the way and takes the blow. Lillian cackles loudly and I rush over to Adam. His bones are all crushed and from that moment on I knew, I’m going to lose the one I love, again. 

“Adam…you can’t leave me like this.” I sob over his body. He drops the note that I had left in Verona on the ground beside him.

“I loved you from the very first day,” he says with all the strength he has left, his face starts changing, changing into Tristan’s face. “Red.” 

“Tristan! Tristan!” I wail so loudly that it’s inaudible for me. He blinks his eyes one last time and a tear drops out. I remember all those gazes into his enchanting eyes. Tristan or Adam, I love them both. They were both the same, I did spend my whole life with them and I wanted it all to end now. My heart is throbbing so hard that it’s numb. 

“No! NO!” I yell so loudly my voice hurts. “Tristan!” I cry over his chest.

“Tristan, don’t leave me like this! I can’t lose you again! Stay with me, please!” I start coughing. “Please, please, please…” I beg. “Don’t leave me Tristan. You can’t, I won’t let you.” I shake his body violently like I’m trying to wake him up from an endless sleep. His breathing still, blue eyes lifeless, face pale and body limp. 

And the only person I could ever love more than myself… is gone. Forever and ever, he’s gone. And I can’t do anything to bring him back. 

Dear Juliet,

The life Tristan and I had together was short. And it was so unexpected to fall for a mortal like that. He just understood how I felt, like he knew what darkness and pain was hidden inside me. It was never about lust but it would’ve never started without attraction. I just wish I didn’t have to be such a demon. If he never met me, he’d still be alive. If he never met me, he could’ve gotten married. If our eyes had never connected on that fateful day, I would’ve never had the chance to kill him. I sucked his blood like it meant nothing to me when it spilt over the glassy tiles. I didn’t even bother to save him; I just ran. Ran from everything that caused me pain. Ran from the death of the guy I fell in love with. 

And I wish I never fell in the first place. That is my deepest regret.

I know I should’ve looked away and disappeared into the busy crowd when we laid eyes on each other. But I could never deny how my feet were glued to the ground, my heart racing and my hands shaking. I believed that a demon like me could never feel like this, so I gave up all hope looking for it, only for it to find me. All I did was slaughter it.

Autumn Scarlet.

My eyes catch a small phrase beneath my own signature.

I always knew this love would kill me , maybe once or twice, but I’d take the risk so I could hold you in my arms one last time. –Adam or Tristan, which ever you prefer.

“You!” I glare at Lillian; my voice is more hoarse now. “You demon!”

I feel my body changing, and it starts burning, not in pain but from love. Black angel wings grow out of me and my hair grows flaming red streaks. I’m not only a hybrid vampire; I’m something more dangerous and bloodthirsty. All the rocks start rising around me as I scream. My power unleashes out of me and dark purple smoke erupts from my hands. Lillian stares at me in amazement then laughs again.

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