Chapter X || Sirens

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I close my eyes tightly, taking a deep breath ready to be plunged into the deep, dark, freezing waters. My body makes contact with the water and the frostiness shoots through me like an electric shock. I let the salt-water rush through my eyes causing them to go sore but I didn’t care. All I could see is debris from the ship, still crashing down into the water and shooting through like bullets. An enormous piece from the ship comes tumbling into the water; I move my arms frantically to move away from it. My air supply is now finishing because my lungs are filling up with water. I felt my face go purple and I kick with all my strength to get my head and neck out of the water. My mouth instinctively splutters out the water in my lungs and I try to find something to cling onto. My eyes search around for anyone else and all I found is, actually, no one. Adam couldn’t be far, we fell together. I find a rock and climb on it, hopeful to get a better view to find the group.

The only thing I see beyond the mist is a few bodies sitting on the rocks a few metres away from me. They were the ones with the ghastly calls from earlier. I notice they are all attractive women but oddly without a bottom half, actually more of a tail.

One is voluptuous, her hair is long, silky and black although her eyes are a bright blue. Another one is very oddly thin, like she hadn't eaten in weaks. Her hair is a dirty blonde, darker on the edges where it's wet and her face is perfectly chiseled with mysterious black eyes. The last one is of perfect size and weight, and she was the most stunning out of the three. It's as if she's the leader. Her eye colour's too good to be true; it's a deep, navy blue on the outline but a fluorescent green around the pupil.

I gasp and glide my foot across the water to push away the skull approaching. Now every puzzle fit into place, the ghastly calls and the floating skulls. My mind starts fishing for the right word, sirens.

“Sirens,” I whisper, my ears ringing from the sound of the unnerving word. I repeat it a few more times. Sirens, have the same ability as me besides healing, known to drown their victims after seducing them. Adam, Jace and Noah aren’t safe, not at all. Luckily, the clouds clear out but the mist is still thick. One mile away, I could see someone swimming to the shore, she wore a leather jacket, and so it’s Ivy. Willow is already there, somehow which I had not noticed earlier. Skylar washes up on the shore too; I wonder how they all ended up there. I skip through the sharp rocks towards them, not caring about the blisters forming on my feet.

“Sirens,” I stammer while running full-speed towards them.  “The guys, they aren’t safe.” My lips start quivering and tears form in my eyes as I imagine them getting to Adam. Skylar’s eyes dart making contact with mine.

“Sirens…those demons. Beautiful creatures, they are. Drown men, usually,” She murmurs intelligently.

“I see Noah.” Willow gasps. “Quick, we have to save them. I can buy you some time.”

“She means literally.” Ivy huffs. Willow stretches her arms out and closes her eyes.

“This can only last a few minutes. She’ll be knocked out when it ends so make her sacrifice worth it.” Skylar explains and starts picking out vials in her chest and placing them on her belt. Ivy gets ready in a stance to take off; she’s faster than Skylar and I. Everything freezes, all of a sudden, except Ivy, Skylar and me.

We run, my mind set on saving Adam. My eyes shoot around the ocean as I jump into the water. Ivy had already arrived and is trying to use her telepathy to get Jace distracted from the sirens; after all he would find them the most irresistible. I dive deeper and glide through the water freely. I almost drown myself from seeing Adam, his eyes black from the siren’s enchantment.

"I've been searching all the seas

Looking for the one who's meant for me

And I've finally found you

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