Chapter I || Love Bites

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Vampires are dead inside, they're cold, heartless and they can never fall in love.

I, Autumn Scarlet, am a half vampire. No one knew my secret and I was older than fifty years, but still looking like a young woman. I’m dead hungry or you could say thirsty at the moment so I’m standing in front of the refrigerator. I stare hopelessly at it, knowing I'm actually craving the one thing vampires’ want most; blood. It's midnight and I can hardly sleep, I never sleep at all. The sky is pitch black, with eerie chirps of crickets in the dead silence of the night. I hear a faint sound approaching through the obscurity of my apartment. It could only be Tristan Danes, the man who I am madly in love with –ironically.

Tristan was, and still is, the most understanding human I have ever known. He never questioned why I would leave in the middle of the night and why I don't like most foods. Even if he is an understanding man, he would never accept the fact that he's been dating a vampire for almost two years. I want to spend the rest of my life with him, although I would have to leave him sooner or later because I would never age. The first moment we laid eyes on each other was different. He acted differently to me than other guys who would just want me for my beauty. He saw me for something else. 

“Autumn?” he says timidly in the pitch-black darkness. “What are you doing up so late?”

“Hungry,” I answer. He walks over to me and his blue-grey eyes become visible to me by the refrigerator light. Tristan places his hands on my waist.

“Dance with me?” he asks. I chuckle and nod. We sway in sync and he lifts my hand up while I spin around. I start giggling silently then he kisses my cheek gently.

“Red, I think it's time for a change.” He calls me Red because he notices the red tinge in my eyes, my name means red and I blush a lot near him.

"What?" I start panicking on the inside. What is he talking about?

"Your last name," he whispers in my ear, gently.

"Are you serious?" I exclaim and wrap my arms and legs around him. His pale hands run up my slightly tanned arms.

"Of course I am, who wouldn't want to marry you?" A bubble of joy bursts within me. Suddenly, a surge of every emotion flows through me. I forget that I'm a vampire for many mere seconds. Problems mean nothing to me and living a lie is just a fact fading in my mind. Leaving him one day because of my form, doesn’t hit me. All I know is from now on; I’ll be with the love of my life.

I kiss him on the lips then begin to move down to his neck. My hunger takes over my joy. I feel his pulse on my lips, making my thirst go crazy. My fangs bear out, sharper than ever. I pierce them into his neck and hear the agonizing scream fly out of his mouth. Then everything whacks me in the head. Something feels as if it’s going to explode within me as Tristan falls helplessly to the ground. His blood spills down his neck over the glassy white tiles. Grief stricken, I gasp and fall to his side, watching as his beautiful eyes fade into a motionless stare.

“Tristan!” I yell, hopelessly. “I’m so, so sorry…” Tears pour out of my eyes, along with feelings out of my heartless soul. This is the moment when I realise what a monster I am. I hate myself; I hate everything I am. Now I know what I have to do, run before anyone else finds me. But I had just a few more seconds with him. I run my fingers through his golden hair and rest my head on his chest. He had only a slow heartbeat, ready to dissolve into death.

I move my tickling, brunette hair out of my eyes. Taking in his face for the last time, I finally say, “Goodbye.”

And with that and my supernatural speed, I disappear into nothingness.  

**One Year Later**

I moved to the cold streets of London, hoping to forget my bloody past. It haunted me, wherever I looked. I promised myself to never fall in love again; I was content with loneliness for the rest of my immortal life. Night is beginning to fall, typically too slowly, so I could feed. Having an ability to lure humans with my beauty is always helpful. And I could always stay beautiful, even with an injury like having my eye taken out. Does it only work on humans? In the past year, I’ve learnt that it does work on particularly weak demons that I’ve killed. The sun is down now and I put on one of my many red dresses, tonight the sparkly one. Red because it’s my favourite colour, the colour of blood and lust, also because blood stains never show. I pack my small purse with a knife, to hide my killings. Down that usual walkway, with lustful eyes in hoarded nightclubs, I find that humans are the easiest and tastiest to feed on. Men, particularly are the ones I want, because they make me feel loved, without having me love them back. Women and children are innocent, unless in desperate need, I will never kill them.

A buff, slightly chubby security guard blocks my entry. “ID?” He asks in a tough voice. I reach into my purse and bring out a card. He gestures his hand to let me through. I smile and walk through the doors in silence. Music blares in my ears, while I scan the room for someone easy to target. My eyes set on a tall, handsome brunette man, around his mid-twenties. What a young life to waste on partying. He catches my seductive gaze and the corners of his lips form a smug smile. I lick my lips and expose my neck in a subtle way. Practice makes perfect.

 He starts walking over to me, just as I expected.

“You’ve caught my eye.” He winks. I giggle in response. “Want to dance?”

“Sure.” I smile and we step over to the dance floor. I move my hips provocatively against his body while his hands move with it. 

"So, what's your name?" I ask while his hands snake around my waist, holding me against him. 

"Does it really matter?" His lips curl into a sneer. 

"I guess not." I find it uncomfortable the way his hands are moving around my body. They're creeping down my lower back, somewhere where someone I don't even know on a first-name basis shouldn’t be touching. His hands reach my butt and he gently squeezes it. I moan to satisfy him, although he disgusts me. Before he could do anymore damage, I grab his shirt by the collar and pull him closer to me. He holds me even firmer and shoves his tongue in my mouth. I can feel his hands pushing against my body parts to lock me in his grasp. I had no escape, as usual, so I let him massage my tongue with his. He violently makes out with me, with his tongue literally down my throat. All he wants is some fun. But I'll show him fun my way.

“Let’s take this outside, shall we?” I run my hand on his jawline, feeling his rough stubble against my fingers.

“I thought you’d never ask,” he replies and wraps his fingers on my wrist. He ushers me outside and we follow along the footpath into an empty, mysterious alley. My back hits the brick wall while he tugs at my dress, our lips muddled together. His fingers crawl along my chest, caressing my breasts. I run my hands against his abdomen while kissing his neck slowly. When he is trapped in my charm, I prepare my fangs and hold my hand over his mouth against his will.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper and sink my teeth in, making his neck erupt with blood. My hand clasping tightly over his mouth blocks his screams. I feel his heartbeat gradually getting slower. His warm blood slowly cools as his body turns into a mere corpse. Something else catches my attention, a figure at the edge of the alley. I drop my victim’s body onto the ground and turn my head. My heartless body tenses as I bite my lip and stare. Human or demon, this figure will never escape my wrath unless he had some reason to be here, which I highly doubt.

I stagger drunkenly down to the coated figure. “Who-who are you? What are you doing here?” I question angrily.

His red eyes come into my view. His hair is golden in the moonlight and his eyes are tinted with an iridescent blue. He's tall compared to me, about twenty centimetres taller. His facial features are sharp and his body is well built with a perfect amount of muscle.

His face tilts to the side while his eyes avert to the corpse on the ground. He licks his lips as a droplet of blood spills out of a small gap between my lips. This guy’s another vampire, great but I could smell blood running through his veins. Hybrid, just like me, I have never met another one. Maybe we all attract humans and creatures, I'm not sure. He might have some other ability, which I can't sense. Who is he? What does he want? Have we met before? Is he dangerous; is he here to kill me? What is he doing here?

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