Chapter XII || Battle in the Air

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“Ivy, Jace! Hide in there!” Skylar shouts urgently and points to a room in the rear of the plane. They both run to the room swiftly together, just in time for Ivy's foot to only get a slight burn from the rays. The sunlight creeps in as the Roc rips the plane’s top apart. We all jump out of our seats, ready for action.

I remember distinctly that the Roc is a flesh-eating bird and another thing, giant. The Roc is mostly white, but has light ochre wings. It's beak is large and razor sharp on its end. To me it looks like a giant American Eagle. It would be a miracle to defeat it. Even better, now two other ones are invited. Perfect.

I hear a whistle coming from the back of the plane, I recognise it as the one Ivy uses to call her dragons. Dawn and Midnight soar through the air towards us. The air starts sucking us out of the plane, while ripping off lose pieces of metal. We all hold onto something that's bolted onto the plane. 

“Oh. My. God.” Willow gasps; I remember she had never seen Dawn and Midnight before. I run back ready to jump off the plane.

“Autumn, don’t do anything you’ll regret,” Adam warns.

“Just back me up, okay?” I smile and peck his lips. The top has been completely ripped off and now the right side is soon going to be. Just as Noah slips, something catches him luckily. The irony is, is that he's hanging off one of the Roc's beak.

“No! Noah!” Skylar yells with her arm stretched out holding on to Noah’s arms. “Help me!” She loses her grip and he slips away from her.

“Noah…” Willow frowns. “Okay, you and Adam take the other two and Skylar and I will save Noah.”

“Sure,” Adam replies breathlessly.

“Take Midnight.” I run from one side of the plane to the other. 

Dawn catches me while I glide in the air awaiting her. I pat her colourful scales and mumble my thanks. I feel a whole lot of heat surrounding me, is it fire? I see a Phoenix spiralling into the air, with its wings on fire. The rest of its body is golden, with flecks of shimmering violet, emerald and turquoise. 

“You’re so amazing Adam,” I murmur to myself. Midnight had Willow, who is in her werewolf form, and Skylar balancing herself on his back. One of the Rocs approach towards Dawn and I and uses its claws to slash at Dawn’s wings, hoping she will lose her flight. She merely dodges it, which relieves me.

“I’ll take this one!” I inform Adam. I notice the same luminous eyes of Adam’s also on the Phoenix. He nods and zooms to the other one. The white and ochre feathers of the Roc blinds me every time in it glistens in the sunlight.

Midnight lets out a black smoke from his mouth that surrounds the Roc in darkness; they had a better chance at winning the battle.

Adam attacks the Roc by stabbing it with his beak and swiping his burning wings on it. The Roc had strength but Adam had the speed.

“Let it out, Dawn.” I whisper soft enough for her ears only. Instead of a black smoke like Midnight, she lets out a thick, white, icy mist. It smothers the Roc and Dawn heads straight into it. She gestures her head for me to jump. I nod and put the power in my legs. As I free-fall in the air, I spread my arms out ready to grab onto something. I land on the Roc’s glossy feathers that are mildly slippery so it takes me a few long seconds to get my grip. It kept moving, to try to get the mist out of its eyes. It 's so chilly that it did sting, probably more to the bird. I run on its long body to get to its neck. My feet lose its grip on the way and I struggle to get back up.

Through the mist, I could see Adam and the Roc wrestling each other in the air then fall down through the sky, out of my sights. My fingers did into the skin of the bird, so I can get a better grip to regain my balance. I grab hold on the Roc’s neck, consisting of my arms having to wrap around it, and I squeeze it with my vampiric strength, hoping to cut off its air supply or crack its neck. There is a loud snap and the Roc's eyes roll into the back of its head and its body falls, with me along with it.

My body hits something cold and scaly; I realise it's Dawn by the colour of her scales. In the distance, I could see Willow pouncing onto the Roc’s wing. She bites into it with her giant incisors and rips one wing off, letting blood splatter. It screeches in agony and turns to dust.

The last Roc, is nowhere to be seen, and so is Adam. But Willow is now falling through the sky. Skylar quickly pours a vial into her staff and swings it. A cloud floats down to collect Willow from her death. Noah is safe and sound resting on Skylar’s lap. The last Roc shoots up with its tail on fire, trying to put it out. Adam continues swiping it, making it hotter and hotter so it eventually bursts into flames. We all return to the plane and Skylar starts repairing it. Adam is a human-vampire again, thankfully. I run up to him and hug him. He lifts my feet of the ground and we spin around together.

“I think you're the best thing that's ever happened to me,” I mumble quietly, hoping he doesn’t hear me. Jace and Ivy come out of the room when night comes around. I slide open the small window and stare out into the stars and moon. There is an impulsive deduction in the climate so now its extremely chilly. I slide myself closer to Adam and he rests his head on mine. Skylar throws us each a blanket.

“We’re getting closer, guys. It’s going to get cold. I left clothes in the back if you want warmer stuff.” I yawn.

“You tired?” He asks.

“Yeah,” I snuggle up to his chest and close my eyes, hoping for a dreamless night.

So this chapter there were no new characters and if you saw one of my posts, I'm starting a little activity called 'Do you ship this?' I'll post a picture of a couple from this story and you answer if you like/ship it or not, also your reasons why (that part's optional). Anyway, today's couple is Jace Carter and Ivy-Rose Alexis. They have their moments. Do you ship them?

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