"It looks so good." Nia cooed, her hand reaching questioningly towards my new bundles. I nodded my head, giving her permission before she raked her fingers through the semi-tight curls that were embed into my hair. It wasn't the first time I had my hair in this style, but it was my first time using hair from this specific company, so I was curious to see how it held up. On top of their being donuts in the kitchen, Nia had ordered pizza again, and this time it was your normal cheese and pepporoni. I hadn't eaten since I snacked on those two donuts and by now, I was assuming there was maybe four slices of pizza left.

So, I hungrily made my way over to the kitchen.

Alisha was on the floor near the entrance, her long legs stretched out in front of her as she turned her body in what looked like an uncomfortable position. She was ironing her outfit for tonight and her ears were plugged in with her headphones. I didn't have to ask to know she was probably listening to the new Frank Ocean album. It had dropped two days ago, but she alerted us that she was making it her duty to learn every single word on the album in a week. So if she wasn't talking to us, taking endless Snapchat selfies, or scrolling through Instagram--her worst obsession, she was listening to that. I moved past her, not interrupting what was essentially her study session on music before I grabbed my slice of pizza from the kitchen. I sat down on an empty chair in the kitchen as I found myself clicking through many Snapchat stories.

One name appeared, that hadn't appeared in some time: The Colby Towers.

I had told him multiple times that his name was super cocky, and the the part of it didn't necessarily need to be there, but obviously he insisted on keeping it there. I hesistated on whether I should watch his story or not. He had been doing a pretty good job of acting as if I didn't exist. I mean his name never popped up on my Instagram news feed, he refused to watch any of my stories. Yeah, I did him wrong, but how could it be that easy to just erase someone from your memory?

I decided to click on his name anyway, and promised to watch just one little moment before I would quickly slide down and move on to something more important.

I decided to click on his name anyway, and promised to watch just one little moment before I would quickly slide down and move on to something more important

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All it took was one one second photo to put me in my feelings and immediately a sad pout fell on my face. Here was Colby looking so good, and so single. Fustratedly, I turned my phone off and tossed it on the table before getting up. I knew he was going to be at the party tonight, I just knew it. He could ignore me as much as he wanted on Social Media, but I doubt that he could ignore me that much in person. I didn't know what I was going to say or do when I saw Colby, but I could only hope that his friends weren't around to influence his decisions anymore than they already were.

I glanced at the clock once more on the kitchen counter. It was nearing four now, and if we all wanted to make it to the party 'fashionably late' then we needed to start getting ready now.

Grabbing my necessary tools for my shower, I let out a quick announcement on where the rest of the girls could find me if they needed to ask me something so important during my shower. Closing the bathroom door behind me, I slipped out of my clothes quickly, tossing the dirty ensemble I had on into the small hamper pushed underneath the sink. It was seperated into twos--Claire and I's. The others had a hamper as well, but they kept it in the comfort of their own dorm.

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