Chapter 57: Mistakes

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Out of anyone, I feel like Emma hated me the most. She went off at me. 

But I was just glad Matt was on my side; he listened and tried to help me.

Though I couldn't stop seeing Catherine; we were in a film together. Her mum, who was our director had been making us work together all the time somehow ever since that night. She's been inviting us to hers, which I kindly declined. 

Every few days Catherine will turn up at our door and as soon as I opened it, she would slip inside and made herself comfortable. 

Timber, who Matt brought back, absolutely hated her and was mad at me too. She would bark and snarl at Catherine and would go outside and wait at the front gate for Sakura. She wouldn't eat or drink anything I give her; she ignores me. 

Every time Sakura came home, which was always around midnight, Catherine was still there. She's walked into Catherine trying to kiss me several times and she and Timber didn't come home until the following night and again, Emma destroyed me. 

Even if we were home alone together like usual, she would shut herself in her room with Timber. And during that time, I would hear her talking on the phone to someone. It didn't sound like Emma and I didn't know if I wanted to be relieved or not. There were times she was talking in English, and another times in Japanese. I didn't know who she was speaking English to, but something told me that Kosuke was the other person who she was talking to, and that annoyed me.

I tried to grab hold of her hand or her waist. But she pushed them away every time and ignored me calling her name.

Tonight, I was spending the night alone. Timber was outside as usual; I hated the fact that this was becoming a daily thing. 

Naomi just texted me saying that Sakura would be late again tonight. She was another person who I was grateful for. She listened to me (though she looked mad at first) and tried to convince Sakura to talk to me, but she obviously ignored that. Apparently, she would change subject as soon as Naomi mentioned me and that stabbed me emotionally. 

Then, the door bell rang. I looked at the clock to see it was quarter past ten and wondered who it could be. I walked over to the intercom and answered, slightly in a dull tone. I couldn't see who it was since it was dark out there, but I could still figure out that it was someone with short hair. 'Yes?'


I automatically clenched my jaw and my fists.

'What do you want.' I said in a harsher, irritated tone as I narrowed my eyes.

'Look, I know that I'm unwanted by you, but I just want to talk.' Edward said, sighing slightly.

'About what, exactly?'

'You know. Her.'

My throat suddenly became tight. 

'It's none of your business.'

'I know it's not. But I just need to tell you something. Then I'll go home straight away.'

I honestly wasn't in the mood to talk to a guy who was close to her, especially him. But he did not show any sign of leaving, so I hastily let him in. 

I nodded to the sofa in the living room and he sat down while I filled two glasses of water.

'What is it?' I sighed, sitting down on one of the armchairs. 

'Well, I don't know about the truth of this story. I only know her side - yes she told me.' He added with a slight sigh when I looked at him sharply. Out of anyone. Anyone she could've told, she told him? 'Whatever the truth about this whole thing is... That probably only you - and Catherine - know, tell her.'

My mood was getting worse as he spoke. 'You think I haven't been trying -'

'Well you obviously haven't tried enough.' I didn't even feel irritated anymore. Instead I felt like I got punched in the face by him. 'Seriously, this isn't a joke. She's broken, more like destroyed, really. She trusted you, Emma trusted you, everyone trusted you that you wouldn't do such thing - again, I don't know the truth, but that's what many people are thinking. She's not sure whether you still love her or not and you don't understand how scared she is, overthinking that that's the truth. She's been crying almost every day and her films aren't going as smoothly. 

'You would know that she would get stressed and tired just from that. And then there's this on top of it. You should know how stubborn she can get. You should know she doesn't know how to cope with these things, you should know that she just waits, thinking - believing that everything'll get better soon. You know how that's not always the case, especially like this one. You know what coping and keeping everything to herself led her to do and yes, I know I was so deeply involved in that. And I felt terrible, I still do.

'When I realised that I lost her, you don't understand how empty I felt. That girl is one in a kind. She can have such a significant impact in people's life. I definitely felt that, and you probably do too, and so does Emma, Thomas, Kosuke... Everyone. Even - you know - Alicia, probably. People must be mental to give her crap; she's just too gorgeous, both inside and out. Yeah - I was mental during that time, and you know, I do regret it so much and I probably would for the rest of my life. Sure, I'm certainly happy with Kat but I still do have the scars from the past. The scar I have from losing her. You don't understand how much I wished I hadn't let her go then.

'I don't want you to feel the same emotions that I did because trust me, it's not pleasant. At all. So Tom, I'm telling you. Don't - lose - her. Don't let her go, don't let any person rip her away from your hands - just like I probably did to you. Male or female, it doesn't matter. Whatever it takes, treasure her. Please don't ruin her any further, I've done enough and she doesn't deserve any more of crap. She just doesn't. 

'Please Tom, grab her arm, block her way, whatever. Just explain to her, tell her the truth. I'm sure she'll listen - if you show her - prove to her that you still love her. Save her, Tom. You're the only one who can fix this. Honestly, if you lose her, you don't understand how much you'll regret everything. How much pain you'll be in.

He took a deep breath. 'Just had to let it all out.' He laughed weakly as I stared at him, blinking constantly.

'Why're you telling me this...?' I said stupidly after a moment.

'You - and her - may not realise - or she may not show it in a obvious way - but she loves you, she really does. I can tell. The face that's always filled with happiness and joy, it was all gone. She looked teary every time I saw her and - you know - as one of her best friends, I couldn't bare it. I know you don't appreciate my existence after everything that I'd done to both of you, but I'm just telling you what not to do, because I learnt it the hard way.

'Everyone makes mistakes. I do, you do, she does, everyone. I think all of them can be fixed, but it depends on whether or not people make the effort to. I believe that you will and I want to say, please do.  You're the only one that can make everything right. Bring light back into her life again.'

I know it was like BOOM Edward's speech, but I just needed to put in this part. 

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