Read My Lips: Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Today was the day of my Speech Therapy. Honestly, I didn't know what to think about receiving it. Sure, it was going to help my speech and sure, I'd be able to talk normally without been bullied but I'd still be deaf. I still wouldn't be able to hear anything. 

I pulled on my ankle boots before grabbing my bag that held my phone and everything I needed before making my way downstairs to where my parents were waiting. My little brother was at my grandparents today so we didn't have him to worry about. Which was nice.

They were taking me to the therapist that would help with my speech. For the first session they were going to come with me but for the rest they weren't. I didn't exactly want to have my parents sit and hold my hand as I attended my sessions. I wasn't a baby.

"Ready?" My mum asked as she turned towards the stairs after hearing me coming down.

"Yeah." I nodded my head and followed her out to the car whilst my dad locked up.

Sitting in the back seat, my parents got in the front and then we were making our way to the hospital. Hospitals had always scared me so this wasn't exactly something I was looking forward too.

          "So, Maisie, why are you attending Speech Therapy? Do you have learning difficulties? Do you stammer? Or any of the following options?" My therapist asked putting a sheet down with a list of reasons for receiving therapy.

Communication or eating and swallowing problems. Degenerative conditions including Stroke, Head Injury, Parkinson's Disease and Dementia.

Head, neck or throat cancer.

Voice problems.

Mental health issues.

Learning difficulties.

Physical disabilities.


Hearing impairment.

"I deaf." I finally answered. All of the reasons on the sheet seemed so bad. I always thought that been deaf was bad but...

The therapist, whose name was Dr Hughes, nodded her head. "Ah, I see. Are you receiving any help for your deafness?" She asked.

I shook my head in reply. I didn't even know you could be treated for deafness. But then again, I guess it did depend on the severeness of it. "No." I said.

"Ok. I could help you with your speech but I would also suggest maybe going to your doctor to ask if you can have any help your deafness; that way they can see if there is anything that they can do and you may be able to get your hearing back." He grinned. That didn't sound like a bad idea.

I looked up to my mum who smiled down at me and nodded. "We'll make an appointment for you to see your doctor."

So after a shorter than it would normally be speech lesson with Dr Hughes, we left so my mum could put an appointment on for me. On the way back, we stopped off at Subway so I could get dinner. I stayed in the car whilst mum and dad went in.

From the back seat of the car, I could see a muscular body walking my way. I peered further out of the window to see it was Zach. Without even realising it, a smile made its way onto my face. I opened the car door and got out then made my way over to Zach.

"Hi." I grinned up at him. He was taller than me so he towered over me slightly.

Zach appeared to be shocked as he looked down at me. It was as though he wasn't expecting me to be there. "Well hello there. What are you doing here?" He eventually replied, his grin mirroring mine.

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