Little-Miss-Masquerade {6}

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Ok, new chapter!! Hope you all like... Yes, I realise it's a bit short, but i like this one, and it kinda shows another side of Stephan ;)



I heard my alarm clock go off once again; informing me it was Monday morning.

I slugged my way down the stairs, still groggy from much needed sleep. I sat down at the bar, and my Aunt passed me a fresh cup of warm coffee. Mmm, French Vanilla.

I picked up the paper, and suddenly my eyes were bulging out of my face. Yupp, definitely awake now.

On the front cover of the 'Ottawa Citizen' there was a picture of none other than Mr. Stephan with a swarm of girls around him. And another of him and me, when I had first arrived and he had looked me straight in the eyes... And then the quote read, "Together, or just friends?" Oh he was going to pay for this.

At that, I snatched the newspaper off the table and ran up the stairs. I banged on his door numerous times before he opened it, only in pyjama pants. But I didn't care. I pushed past him and throwing the paper to his chest.

"What's this?" he asked, eyes narrowing, reading. He then looked up at me, "What?"

"You got me on the FRONT COVER of the Ottawa Citizen!" I yelled angrily.

"I thought that would be a good thing..."

"Obviously not! Everyone whose parents read this is going to see me now! Thank god I didn't change a whole lot..."

"Wait... What do you mean by, 'not changing a whole lot...'?"

I sighed. I knew this was coming; I had to face it sooner or later. "I changed my appearance when I moved here. I thought you had noticed... I wear baggy clothes and glasses and stuff so no one will recognise me, and now you totally blew off years and years of working at that!" I could feel tears stinging at my eyes.

"Wait, wait, and hold on a moment here..." He slowly came up to me, but I looked down. He put his finger under my chin, forcing me to look right at him. "Are you crying...?" He looked sincere, like he actually cared.

I just looked away, and walked towards my bedroom door, but he seemed to follow. "Are you ok?" he asked me, concern in his voice.

"Yeah," I tied to sound confident, but he saw through me.

"And you really want me to change, so no one will know that was you?"

I choked a laugh. "That would be nice of you, yes, but there's no need now, everyone already knows that was me. I didn't look all that different than I usually do; I just had on tighter clothes and makeup."

"Why don't you always look like that, then, if it's not all that different? Why not today?"

'Well', I thought... He had a point there. If I was going to be hanging out with Stephan Rothschild I was going to have to upgrade my look a SMALL bit, at least. "Alright," I said, looking down at the ground once again. I suddenly looked up, pointing at his chest. "But you better appreciate this," I said sternly, "I'm only doing this for you." With that he smiled and I went back to my room to change.


When I came down the stair, everyone was looking at me with amazement. I guess they weren't prepared for the sudden change. I had put on my one pair of dark wash flare jeans which showed off my small legs, and my bubble shirt which kept my thin curves hidden. I wore my hair partly down, only pulling it up half way, letting the bottom curled layers fall freely down my back and shoulders. I wore blush, and again put on my glass frames to at least make myself look different from England Liz.

Stephan on the other hand was staring. Again. Like he was seeing me for first time in years.

And then there was a honk from outside, and I knew Kenny was here to pick us up.

I pulled on my shoes, grabbed my bag and left, Stephan slowly closing the door behind us.

I was suddenly in a sprint, running up to Kenny, wrapping my arms around his neck. I was so much shorter than him, he had to bend down to hug me now. I hadn't seen him since Friday night, and it had felt like forever. "How are you?" he whispered in my ear.

"Good," I said, pulling back. I looked over, "This is Stephan. Stephan, Kenny. Kenny, Stephan. Alright, let's go." I said uncomfortably, getting into the back of his black truck. They awkwardly shook hands and exchanged a faint 'hey' and then both got into the vehicle.


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Notice there isnt any requests this time??! Well, not for long!! Haha, ok people, chapter 9 for 21 Days is out, and it was really great, so GO READ!! That's right, GO, GO NOW!!

Thanks :)

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