Chapter 2: Yummy Ravioli's and Kindergarten (Carlisle POV)

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Chapter 2: Yummy Ravioli's and Kindergarten (Carlisle POV)

  When Esme was finished packing their bookbags, she made the kids Ravioli's. After a couple of minutes of the kids eating Emmet decided to start a food fight, which lasted about 5 minutes until Esme grounded them all and made them sit on the couch in silence.

  Tomorrow is the kids first day of kindergarten. Esme is so excited, I am too, because as long as Esme is happy, I am happy. Soon enough it was time for the kids bed time, so  Esme and I tucked them all in their new beds and then left. I went and grabbed my book to read on the couch and Esme followed grabbing  her book "Pride and Prejudice". Then we sat quietly on the couch reading, with Esme leaning on me in a comfortable possition. 

  Hours later it was time to wake the kids up, so Esme and I went upstairs and woke the kids up one by one (the order was Edward, Bella, Rosalie, Emmet, Alice, and last was Jasper). The kids were grouchy and were groaning about the fact they had school.

  When they all got up, Alice was the excited one (ofcourse). They all took their time changing and then the boys went down stairs to eat, minutes later followed by the girls. They all had donuts. they were glazed, so the kids enyoyed them. Especially Emmet he ate 5, but there was a big mess for Esme to clean up. I cleaned it up for her though, since she has to take the kids to school. Before the kids left I gave them all a hug and waved as they got into the car, the kids waved back and Esme did too. Then they drove up the long driveway and disappeared down the street

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