The End

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Okay, first things first. I apologize for not posting in like, what three weeks. There were just things that were going on. By things I don't mean bad things. Like there was an animethon, I was meeting up with my friends and things like that. This is the last chapter of In Daddy's Office but I want to start a new fanfiction that will be MikaYuu so fans of that can have that to look forward to. Oh and also, this chapter is a longer one to compensate for my absence.

The two were alone together in the quiet classroom. Or, at least the classroom used to be quiet. At the moment, passion filled gasps and soft moans could be heard in any corner in the classroom.

Gakushū was pushed up against the desk in the front that had belonged to the teacher from that classroom. Their tongues, busily working their way into the others mouth were beginning to grow sore. Pulling away from the deep kiss, Gakushū gasped in hope of regaining his breath.

Karma looked straight into Gakushū's eyes, hooded with lust, staring deep into them. A prideful smile emerged when he saw how wrecked his partner was.

"S-stop smirking. It's annoying me. I'll leave if you don't stop," Gakushū threatened.

"Sorry, sorry!" Karma laughed, "it's just, you look hot like this."

"What, are you saying I don't usually look hot?" Gakushū queried.

"Of course not," Karma leaned in close, right up to Gakushū's ear, "you're always so damn hot."

After saying that Karma nipped at Gakushū's ear, swirling his tongue around on his ear lobe. Gakushū's face flushed, his ears were sensitive. Gakushū, not wanting to be bested, reached for the zipper on Karma's pants. Unzipping it, Gakushū's hand delved beneath Karma's clothes. Realizing something was off, Gakushū brought it to attention.

"Uh are you not wearing underwear?"

"Um. I can explain." Karma said.

"Can you really?" Gakushū inquired.

Karma looks away, sweating nervously.

"Yeah, t-totally. It's a long story though so I'm not gonna say," Karma responds.

"Uh huh. Whatever you say," Gakushū rolled his eyes.

"Just get on with it!" Karma shouted.

Gakushū obeyed. His hand wrapped around Karma's already stiff shaft and began to work it up and down, twisting and flicking his wrist with each stroke, coaxing out small beads of precum.

"Hngh, ah! Gakushū! I-it's good!" Karma gasped, "k-keep going. Don't stop please!" Within seconds, Karma was had gone from confident and arrogant to putty in Gakushū's hands.

Gakushū watched Karma's face as he pleasured him. Who knew Karma could be so cute? Well, Gakushū knows now.

Karma didn't want to be only on the receiving end. He reached downward.

"Ah!" Gakushū exclaimed in surprise. Karma had just groped a certain area. The initial surprise wore off and gave way to a feeling of elation. The one he loved was touching him. The two continued in this manner of action. Gakushū's zipper was inching lower and lower by the second.

When the zipper was fully down, Gakushū's full length was revealed.

Holy shit he's huge! Thought Karma, internally freaking out. He tried to do the same thing Gakushū was doing to him but found that he could not fit Gakushū's whole cock in his hand.

"Um, Gakushū. I can't fit my hand around it," admitted Karma. "I don't think I can do what you're doing."

Gakushū grinned. The hand he had on Karma came to a stop. He licked some precum of his hand and said:

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