A Wasted Trip?

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Gakushū made the last long trek up the mountain where the E class was situated. He was heading up there for one reason. To apologize to Karma about yesterday. Even thought there was no penetration, he still wanted to be sure that Karma knew nothing else was to happen between them. Although he sincerely wanted to apologize, he was starting to want to head back down the mountain. It was sweltering in the mid-afternoon heat and Gakushū's embarrassment of the situation was not helping that matter.

"Why does Japan have to be so hot?!" Gakushū complained, voicing his opinion to the world. He was sweating and his uniform was starting to cling to his sticky skin. Every once in a while he heard rustling in the thickets, alerting him that something was there. "I really hope there are no bears here," said Gakushū, frightening himself with the thought. Although most things didn't scare him, a bear wasn't exactly something he'd like to deal with.

After what felt like hours, the trashy, wooden schoolhouse came into view. The place wouldn't have look that bad to a commoner, but to Gakushū, who insufferably rich, it was a dump. He hid, covered in the foliage near where border of the trees turned into a clearing, the trees surrounding the school. He saw Nagisa Shiota walk out of the school and head towards his hiding place. Gakushū panicked thinking that Nagisa would see him, but to his delight he walked on by without noticing anything. Gakushū realized that the only noises were coming from the forest around him. School was over, everyone has already left.

"Oops," quietly said a disheartened Gakushū. He was secretly happy that he was gonna see Karma. He checked his watch. It read 16:00, around 4 o'clock. School ended at 3:00. Gakushū cursed his luck. The thought about why Nagisa was still here so late niggled at the back of his head but he paid no attention to it. I'll just come back tomorrow, he thought to himself. He then realized it was Friday and that there was no school until Monday.

"FUCK!" He bellowed, quickly regretting the decision, realizing that Nagisa must've heard him. He ducked his head into the leaves of the bush he was hiding in, hoping to hide himself. He waited a few minutes, then another few minutes, and another. He poked his head out to check his surroundings. Nagisa was nowhere to be seen. He sighed in relief, but then realized a new problem had arisen. He really had to use the washroom. Of course, he could have just gone on one of the many trees surrounding him, but, as mentioned earlier he was a rich kid and he hated the idea of having to do the in this kind of place. He looked back and forth, checking if anyone was there to witness his actions but saw no one. He was about to unzip his uniform pants when he remembered that there must be a washroom in the schoolhouse.

Not thinking about if there were any teachers in there, he made a beeline straight into the school.

The chapters may come out irregularly from now on but I'll try to make them longer. Sorry for the wait.

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