{ Chapter 14 } - Gabriel? An idiot? Never!

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A/N: So here's another chapter. It's one of my favorites and it's the start of a lot of arguments to come ;) Hope you enjoy!

Also, a big thank you to Dizzo1  for helping me spice up the beginning part here :)


--- Gabriel's Pov ---

'What the fuck is his problem now?' I thought a few seconds after he fucking slapped my hand!

"What the fuck, Nikolai?" Gabriel said, glaring at him.

"Pay attention to the conversation. Don't ask about the future either, because that can end in pain for you when you realize you can't stop something from happening."

'How the fuck wasn't I paying attention? Does multitasking suddenly mean that I can't listen to what people are saying around me? He's also got another thing coming if he thinks I'm never going to ask questions when I know someone can tell me either my friends' or my future.'

"If it's about Sang, then it would be worth the pain if I can possibly help prevent it," I glared at him, getting angry that he would think that I would abandon or not risk myself for any one of my team members, even if they seemed to be okay with abandoning me.

"Oтвали (Fuck off), Gabriel," he growled, as he flung himself off the couch and stomped a few steps away before flashing out of the room.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I huffed, getting up to chase after Nikolai, but before I could take a step, a hand was gripping mine, gently but with meaning.

"Do you really think it's smart to chase after an angry vampire, Gabe?" Luke asked, a worried expression, but every other part of his body language said that he wasn't worried for the same reason he was saying.

'I know him and he's been way too quiet today. I get that he's still obviously emotional from being forced to almost leave me here. But he's not acting like he usually does... I'm going to have to talk to him about this...'

"I don't have much of a choice, really. He obviously has a bone to pick with me, so I rather figure out what his problem is now than let it unnecessarily churn until later." Without another word, I pulled my arm out of Luke's grasp and chased after Nikolai.

"Nikolai," I yelled, trying to find where he would go in this house. It wasn't large and it was not even close to being compared to the size of Victor's mansion, but I can only compare this place to one of those magical witch bags you see in the movies. The kind where it opens up and it seems like the whole world can be inside because of how bottomless it seems. There seemed to be a million doors in this place, at least to me, but every door I tried to open, it was either locked or it didn't produce the person I was looking for.

"You're really determined to find me, aren't you?"

I turned around to see Nikolai leaning on one of the doors I already checked, a smug grin on his face.

'I want to knock that damn smirk off his beautiful fucking face...'

"Well, you certainly caught my attention, so I decided that I should follow your angry ass to figure out what your fucking problem is."

"I don't think I'm the one with the problem, Gabriel."

"Are you trying to suggest that I'm the one with the fucking problem here?! Who's the one who fucking thinks 'No, I'm not going to use my words like a fucking adult. I'm just going to slap him on wrist, that'll get my point across,' because it certainly isn't me!"

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