Chapter 12 - The Alter Eagle

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"Was that the Mage person?" Sofia asked numbly as they traipsed through the slimy trees. "And what is with all this slime?"

"The Shadowmage," Chloe corrected wearily. "And the slime is probably caused by giant slugs or something. I wouldn't be surprised."

The ground here was prickly with sharp stones so the animals were riding safely in the packs the humans wore round their waists. Several stones had already been stored in the weapon pack that Sofia was in charge of, just in case there was yet another attack.

Suddenly a centaur stepped out in front of them, startling the animals, and disappeared into the trees on the other side. Out of sight, it made a quick slicing motion with its palm and suddenly the friends were surrounded by a circle of bristling arrows.

"Is there no end to hostilities here?!" Cherry cried in anguish but the others did not respond.

There was a muffled cry as Alex was singled out from the others, a slate knife pressed against his throat. Some of the centaurs were smiling evilly at the girls and they shivered, but didn't dare say anything in case they ended up full of arrows.

They were silently marched east through the trees, heading towards a thin ribbon of smoke rising into the air and never once stopped for food or drink. The animals had made off with the packs before anyone could stop them, and were probably far away by now.

Abbie tried to reach into her shoe for a hidden piece of paper and a pencil, but got a sharp jab in the ribs with the point of an arrow and concentrated on not crying out instead.

When at last they reached the centaur encampment, it was surprisingly busy. Women lay with their legs folded under them, picking out bad berries from a wicker basket. Men were gutting fish and spitting small woodland animals. Centaurs needed meat for the human part of their body.

"Help us!" Alex appealed to no one in particular and the knife pressed firmer. A trickle of blood ran down his pale skin.

A tall figure rose from the ground and trotted slowly towards them. His face was smooth and pitiless, and black hair framed his pale face. Behind him, his horse body was almost the colour of blood. He was clearly the leader. The friends didn't expect any mercy from him.

At a signal they were forced to their knees, heads wrenched back to stare into that black gaze.

"Tu tuthan al quernian?" he muttered and a guard bowed his head in a nod.

The leader's face twisted into a cruel sneer.

"Valu tura."

"What? What are you doing?" Sofia shouted, struggling against the iron grip on her arms. "Let us go!"

There was a thump as she was knocked unconscious and the others weren't far behind.

They woke up not long afterwards, next to a swift little river. The centaurs were still holding them. They were also holding clubs.

No sooner had the friends realised that than they were swinging towards their heads. Chloe and Sofia were hit the hardest, but Abbie and Cherry were still conscious and pretended to fall to the ground. Through half-open eyes they saw the knife pressed against Alex's throat and slid across. Then they were all kicked into the river.


Cherry surfaced, gasping and spluttering and dragging Abbie with her. "Get the others!" she sputtered and Abbie grabbed hold of Sofia. She and Chloe were beginning to wake up.

With their friends in their arms they used the current to swim for Alex, who was floating on his back further down.

They caught him between them even as a caw rang out above them.

"Oh for god's sake," Abbie muttered. "Cos all we need is a giant bird to deal with."

But, to her surprise, the bird landed on the bank and gently picked them all up in its beak, depositing them on land. Chloe immediately fell next to Alex. "Oh thank god," she muttered, healing the gash on his throat. "He'll be ok. The knife didn't go deep enough to slit his throat." Soon he was back, coughing up muddy river water and rubbing his throat.

"Welcome back, Alex," Abbie said, looking down at her newly healed arrow wound as Chloe started on her head, then moved on to Cherry. The bird croaked behind them, and suddenly a blur assaulted them all, slowing down and taking the form of Cera.

"KIIIWIII!" Chloe yelled and launched herself at her friend, while Jodie and Breanna stumbled towards the river, taking a long drink and nearly falling in.

"Umm... thank you?" Cherry offered, looking at the big bird as it sat patiently. Suddenly it opened its beak and let out several croaks, and the friends realised that they could understand.

"No problem, I found them when I crashed into the Shadowmage in the sky," it said. "I don't know why everyone's so afraid of him if he can't even navigate through the air traffic." There was a pause.

"I'm the Alter Eagle, by the way," it said nervously. "I change people into their alter egos. But," it added, "Since you're all supposed to be the 'saviours of the realm' and all that, I think I'll spare you." But there was a hint of sadness in its eyes. "And I suppose you don't need it," it whispered regretfully, "Since what I've been forced to do is bad enough." Suddenly the Eagle knocked them all to the ground with a sweep of its wing and pinned them there with one enormous foot.

Two figures materialised out of the trees and sauntered over to the friends with an air of supreme confidence.

It was a tempter and a temptress - two creatures belonging to a race that looked human, but with beauty that no mortal could ever possess.

The friends shut their eyes in terror, but something took control of their minds and forced their eyes open again. And they were immediately put under the immortals' spell.

"You will come with us now," the tempter said and they nodded. The friends were enchanted and there was nothing they could do about it.

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