Chapter 8 - New World

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"I think," concluded Sofia, "that it was a vampire."

They were still riding over the monotonous desert, which was getting lighter as the sun rose, red as blood.

"Could be," Chloe agreed, rubbing her eyes and struggling to stay awake. They had been flying all night. "After all, it was the right shape and size."

The others yawned in reply.

"We...should get some sleep..." Abbie muttered blearily as, just at that moment, the red sun revealed a cliff, the edge of the desert at last. There were several caves, carved by the weather, and offering a perfect place to sleep. They landed on a ledge outside of one and the animals, shrunk for so long, immediately leapt down and stretched themselves.
Everyone wobbled inside the cave, and the phoenix shook itself so that several giant feathers floated to the stony ground. They were so big that the friends could bury themselves in them as a sort of protection from the cold. It was cold, too, like any desert in the early morning.

Everyone settled down and closed their eyes. They had a long journey ahead of them.


The sun was starting to set again when the friends awoke. Their limbs were stiff and their minds were foggy but at least they had had a good sleep. It was Alex who woke up first, and immediately knew that something was wrong. The air smelled like sulphur and it stung his eyes. He quickly woke the others and the beasts instantly knew what it was.

Get a mirror! one of them mind-shouted. Basilisk!

Cera, who was closest to the bag of provisions the Keeper had given them, whipped out a small hand mirror and faced it towards the back of the cave. A hiss emerged and a strange creature slithered forward. The humans immediately fell forward, because not even the strongest human can withstand the sight or sound of a basilisk. But neither can the basilisk itself. One look at itself, at its yellow-feathered body and ugly cockerel head, and it will vanish in a screech and a puff of yellow smoke.

This one was huge. It was almost twice the size of the dragon and barely scraped through the cave. It stopped and fixed them with one haunted, beady eye.

"You!" it screeched, and the smaller animals collapsed beside their companions. "You have disturbed me from my deepest, darkest dreams! You are the ones who must be vanquished!" Its raspy voice echoed round the cavern and a crown of spines on its head began to quiver, emanating a strange buzzing sound like a swarm of bees. It fixed the dragon in a shimmering glare and a strange fog began to fill his mind, black as smoke and just as smothering. The dragon made a desperate dive for the mirror but it lay shattered at Cera's side. His mind was getting foggy...he was losing his grip on this world...

Something struck him on the shoulder as he fell and he twisted round to face...


The world went black.


A voice flowed over the dragon, caressing him like a summer breeze. He didn't want to move, just stay and listen to that beautiful, murmuring voice...he could do it forever...

The voice became harsher, the breeze becoming a gale and suddenly he was back in the stony cavern with someone pounding his scales and shouting in his ear. Then the smell hit him and he passed out again.


"He's not waking up!" Cherry wailed. The cavern was covered in basilisk dust and its screech still rang in her ears, but none of that mattered any more, only the dragon that lay quiet under her palms. She turned to the stranger. "Wake him up! Please!" Tears were streaming down her face but she didn't care. The stranger stood impassive, his face hidden by a thick black cloak. His form seemed to waver for a moment, or maybe it was just her.

Chloe put a hand on her shoulder.

"Calm down. He'll wake up."

Cherry furiously brushed her off and faced the stranger full on. He cackled.

"You can't fight me, human," he hissed, his voice like whispering dust. "You do not know my power."

He nodded in the dragon's direction and leaped off the cliff. Cherry screamed and almost fell over the edge after him. Far below, curling black mist rose towards her.

The dragon stirred. Cherry gave a squeal of joy and was by his side in a single bound. It seemed the stranger's nod had had more to it than it appeared.

The dragon heaved himself into a crouching position and shook his magnificent wings. Cherry hung from his neck.

Eat. The phoenix tossed half a carcass his way and settled down to her half.

Everyone but Cherry was already asleep and Sofia hugged a random blade in her arms. Cherry carefully removed it. The dust was gone, burned away by phoenix fire. The stranger had saved them, appearing with a mirror in a puff of smoke and leaving just as fast. His hands were like claws and Cherry couldn't help but remember the vampire that had saved them from the Keeper. It couldn't be...

Cherry shook her head and settled down to sleep.


The moon was always red. It was like an eye, watching the landscape.

"Sure," muttered Cera and Breanna put a hand over her mouth. Had she said that out loud?

Howls and shrieks came from the forest far below and Breanna shivered at the thought of what might be in there. Am I going mad? she thought to herself. I hope not.

Chloe was singing softly behind her and the others were asleep. Breanna sighed. There was nothing to do when you were riding a giant phoenix over a strange landscape in an entirely different world. Ok, that was still pretty cool. But still, if only they could get to the shadow-mage person quicker. Maybe then...she yawned.

Maybe then she could unleash the fire trapped for so long. Unleash her inner phoenix.

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