Grizzilla chapter ten

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Meanwhile in Beach City, Garnet Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven were in the living room playing a game of checkers when all of the sudden a teleporter appeared right in front of them. "Wow, what is that thing?" asked Steven. "I think it's a time machine," said Amethyst. "Let's go check it out, Steven!" Hold it! Steven, Amethyst, get away from that thing!" cried Pearl. "It could be dangerous!" "Stop being such a worrywart, Pearl!" said Amethyst. "Yeah, Pearl, it's just a time machine!" said Steven. 
"Steven, it might be danger- Amethyst, I told you to stay away from that thing!" shouted Pearl. "Relax," said Amethyst. "Nothing's going to happen!" But something did happen. As Steven and Amethyst were arguing with Pearl, Garnet noticed that the teleporter door opened, and out came nineteen strangers. "Uh, guys we have company," said Garnet. "Hello, there!" said Steven. "Hi, why were you guys fighting?" asked Clarence. "We weren't fighting," said Steven. "We were arguing about whether the time machine was dangerous that's all," said Amethyst. "It's not a time machine," said Jake. "It's a teleporter." "Oh," said Steven. "Cool!" said Amethyst. "Um excuse me but who are you, people?" asked Pearl. "My name is Panda and these are my friends: Ice Bear, Chloe, Nom Nom, Charlie, Jake, Finn, Clarence, Jeff, Sumo, Gumball, Darwin, Anais, Bubbles, Buttercup, Blossom, Rigby, Skips, and Mordecai," said Panda. "Nice to meet you Panda," said Steven. "I'm Steven and these are my friends Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst." "Nice to meet you!" said Chloe. "So, what brings you guys to Beach City?" asked Garnet. "We're looking for my brother," said Panda taking out his phone and showing a photo of Grizz to Garnet. "Have you seen him?" "Yes we saw him," said Garnet. "He stayed with us for a few days and left," said Amethyst. "But how did your brother get this way?" asked Steven. "It's a long story, Steven," said Panda sadly. Garnet put her hand on Panda's shoulder and said, "We're listening Panda." After twenty minutes of explaining to his friends about Grizz Pearl asked, "Why didn't he read the instructions?" "Everyone makes mistakes, Pearl," said Steven. "Yes, I know that everyone makes mistakes, Steven," said Pearl. "But I wouldn't drink a whole vile of serum and turn into a fifty-foot monster!" "He's not a monster!" cried Chloe. "Look why don't we all calm down?" asked Skips. "Arguing and fighting isn't going to solve anything." "He's right. If we're going to help and find your friend, then we have to work together," said Garnet. "You're right, Garnet," said Pearl. "I'm sorry, Chloe." "That's okay, Pearl," said Chloe. "That's nice guys, but we have to go," said Panda. "Yeah we need to find Grizz before the 😠 angry mob tar and feather him," said Charlie. "Wait, there's an angry mob chasing that sweet bear?" asked Garnet. "They want to tar and feather Grizz?" asked Pearl. "That's not cool!" said Amethyst. "We want to help!" said Steven. "Ice Bear wants to know where Grizz was going?" asked Ice Bear. "Well, he said something about going to Jump City," said Steven. "Then what are we waiting for?" asked Jake. "To the teleporter!" "Jump City here we come!" said Rigby. As the twenty-three friends went inside the teleporter, they were on their way to Jump City.

Well, readers, it looks like our heroes are heading to Jump City. Stay tuned for chapter 11 of Grizzilla when Panda and his friends meet the cast of Teen Titans Go!

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