Chapter 1

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(A/N:  This story didn't lend itself well to chapter breaks so some chaps are long and some short.  Plz forgive.)  

He nears Sasuke's house when he hears a quiet whimpering nearby. He stops, and tuning in carefully, discovers it's coming from the alley just around the corner. He follows the sound—to find Sakura clutching her chest with her arms, her knees drawn up, rocking and crying softly, her head down. Bloody, ripped remnants of clothing barely cling to her otherwise-exposed skin. Lying next to her are two metal rings, a piece of thick cloth, and a small length of rope. His heart drops as he realizes what has just happened to his former student. He removes his shirt, and wraps it around her, neverminding the blood soaking into the "Sixth Hokage" lettering on the back of it.

Too much in shock to even realize what is happening, Sakura gives no fight as Kakashi lifts her into his arms.

Kakashi races to the hospital. He hears Sakura utter softly between sobs, too distraught to realize what she is saying or who to, "He ruined me. He ruined me for Sasuke. The only thing precious I had to offer him...that man stole it. Sasuke will never want me now."

Kakashi knows there's no point in trying to comfort Sakura. Not only didn't he have the vaguest idea what to say, she wouldn't hear him in her traumatized state anyway. He gets her to the hospital quickly and summons Lady Tsunade there. At sunrise he heads to his office and sends for Naruto and Sasuke.

"Listen," he begins somberly. "I have some bad news. A colleague of ours was attacked by a thug last night. She's in the hospital right now. But neither of you must go see her until I give permission! This is important! Do you understand?"

The two young men nod in agreement.

"I've put up surveillance in the alley where she was found and closed off the city. No one is allowed in or out. Out-of-towners already here and anyone seen as suspicious are being checked out. Until we have more information, this is the best I can do."

"S-so...who is this comrade of ours who go hurt?" asks Naruto.

"The victim is Sakura."

"What...?" The two friends say in unsion.

They bombard Kakashi with overlapping questions about her condition, why they can't see her, about her assailant.

Kakashi hastily rises from the Hokage's chair and slams his fists down on his desk, silencing the co-mingling voices in the room.

"Listen!" he shouts. "This perpetrator...was more than just a simple thug. We believe he immobilized Sakura with restraints that suck the victim's chakra out. She was also gagged. That evidence is being meticulously studied for clues that might lead us to the assailant. But she has been examined and it has been confirmed. Sakura...was raped, beaten, and stabbed by this man and left for dead. She has three broken ribs, and is having surgery right now due to internal injuries. Tsunade herself is taking care of that. She got to her in time. Sakura will be alright. But healing won't happen overnight." He slumps back down into his seat, misery evident on his face, even with half of it covered.

Sasuke and Naruto blanch, their eyes wide, mouths open, stomachs suddenly churning. Their faces are shocked horror. They begin to ask questions along the same lines again, this time much more quietly and slowly.

"Sakura isn't ready to talk about it yet," answers Kakashi with distress in his voice. "Nor is she prepared for visitors at this time. Please leave her be for the time being. I give you my word, I will keep you both informed. You'll both be assigned to the mission to capture this man once we have some idea who we're looking for. This is terribly upsetting news, and it's frustrating not to have an enemy to pursue, but we can all best help Sakura right now by keeping our heads. Keep your good judgement. I will call for you both as soon as I know something. Now...Naruto, you're dismissed. Sasuke, there's something I need to discuss with you in private, if you don't mind."

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