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Tia sat in the middle of the floor of the baby's nursery staring at instructions on how to put together a crib, the baby was due to come home early the next morning while Gee was at home but still had a full week of bed rest to go which he wasn't abiding to considering the fact that he was bossing her around the house every chance he got .. Feeling defeated she laid down in the middle of the floor bracing herself for a second !! In between visiting Gee & the baby she had used Gee's accounts to purchase them a brand new house, and the baby everything he needed !! Tia actually had found herself indulging a little on this new person in her life .. she found herself online shopping in the middle of the night, heading straight to the baby section in a store, & the nursery was where she spent the majority of her spare time !! She was just now starting to realize just how much of her life revolved around Gee .. After she had left she realized just how being on your own really felt, even though it was hard it felt good being her own woman and while she was back with Gee she really didn't want to lose sight of herself again .. which she felt she was !!

When the doorbell started ringing Tia sighed .. she knew it could only be one of Gee's men .. they were the only one's who knew where the new house was plus they came by on a daily checking in with business ..

"Hey !!" Tia said surprised

"What's up" Rio walked in smiling at her, she hadn't seen him since the night she teased him trying to make Gee mad

"What are you doin here, nobody told me you were coming by !!" She said stepping aside letting him in

"It was last minute .. We needed to know what you or Gee wanted us to do about this shipment tomorrow, mu'fuckas didn't get the money in time so we stuck with millions of dollars worth of fuckin bricks layin around everywhere .. which you and me both know is a fuckin bad idea !!" He replied ..

Tia sighed .. Six figures she could deal with but she didn't like the fact that she had 7 figures worth of product just sitting in California, as bad as NYPD wanted Gee the thought alone was a bad idea ..

"Look, I got too fuckin much to deal with these days I don't got time for bullshit ass deals like this one !! Whoever the fuck it is that didn't have the money don't ever do business with them again .. period .." She said as she ran her fingers through her hair annoyed

"Gee only been dealing with them because they was his boys from back in the day !!" He said smiling

"Well I don't care, tell them I don't care, tell Gee I don't care .. it's stupid as fuck !! They gonna get his black ass locked up !!" She responded walking into the kitchen

"So what you want me to do with it ?" He asked again following her

Tia looked around thinking .. "It can't be here .. fuck no !!" She said pouring her a glass of wine

Then she realized she still had her penthouse which was in Jaceon's name, and the fact that he was dead made it even better ..

"Listen, when it get's here you'll have the address alright .. clean my stuff completely out of there & bring it here !!" She said taking a sip

"Aight, how you been ?" He asked licking his lips and staring her up and down

Tia swallowed her wine as she stared him already knowing what he was thinking

"Fine .. I got stuff to do though !!" She replied walking back to the door

"Well call me if you need anything, I know Gee ain't on his feet and able quite yet .. a woman need a man around the house at all times for all kinds of shit !!" He chuckled

Tia plastered a fake smile on her face while making a mental note to get rid of him once the deal was made tomorrow, the last thing she or Gee needed was a disloyal ass nigga like him around !! If he was bold enough to flirt with her in Gee's house while he was there then no telling what else he would be willing to do ..

"I got you !!" She responded opening the door ..

"Call me" He winked

Tia rolled her eyes after shutting the door, she went back up stairs and finished setting up the crib .. as unlike her as the task was, Tia felt her walls falling down again .. she felt as if the baby was starting to make her feel more human again !! She was ready to be done with it all and just let Gee takeover for good .. she was done once he was fully healed !! The game was far from nice, and she was ready to wash her hands with it all ..


Tia got out of her black Range Rover grabbing the baby's car seat out of the back seat, she couldn't lie like she wasn't nervous .. Neither her or Gee knew anything about baby's and she was horrified of what could go wrong !! While the nurses coached her a little on the basics she still felt unprepared .. Once back at home she laid the baby in the bed next to Gee as she laid down as well ..

"This is gonna be a long night !!" She sighed

Gee noticed the look on her face and laughed ..

"You'll be aight .. I appreciate you though !! Once I'm back on my feet im gonna make it up to you some serious !!" He said with a smile

"Are you really ? Well you better .. Shit I deserve it !!" She said with a giggle

"You really do !!" Gee said closing his eyes ..

She stared at him as he started to doze off .. she was more than ready to start this new chapter in her life .. She had her two people in her life, and that was all she needed .. In her eyes their hierarchy was complete !!



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