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Tia drove through the streets of New-York blasting Rihanna's Anti album.. Her chrome 9 mm sat in her lap glistening from the sun as she pulled her Chanel shades down over her eyes.. Her mind was in a million places at once, but her former friends and neighbors from Brooklyn would've never knew that by the smile she wore on her face as she pulled up to her old apartment complex .. Tia sat in the car with the music still blasting as she scrolled through her phone getting her thoughts together before getting out !! With her gun in her hand she walked up the sidewalk of her apartment not caring about the stares people were giving her, she waved and smiled at her old neighbors as if she didn't have a gun in her hand walking down the sidewalk like it was normal ..

She planned on getting the job done and getting away from there, she didn't know exactly how much time she had before the police would be on their way !! She knew one of her nosy neighbors probably had called the police but at that given time she honestly didn't give a damn !! Tia twisted the knob of what used to be her old apartment, the door opened letting her walk on in .. Looking straight into the eyes of her dad she closed the door then locked it ..

"What you gonna do with that ?!" Tony asked after snorting a line of cocaine off of the table

"You don't wanna know !!" Tia replied as she sat down across from her father sitting her gun in her lap

He chuckled as he formed another line in front of him, wiping some of the leftover residue off of his nose !!

"How's your mama ?" He asked glancing up at Tia

"Why do you care ?" She asked

"Your mama .. She was my first love, and she gonna be my last !! What we got you kids will never understand .. You younger generation of people don't know what love is !!" He replied taking another hit up his nose

"So, is love giving your twelve year old daughter up to a complete stranger because of a drug debt ..?" Tia asked the question she had been wanting to ask her father since she was twelve

Tony stared at his daughter letting the drug take effect as he thought of exactly what he wanted to say to her ..

"Yeah, that was love !! You know why .. because you saved this family !!" He replied proudly

"Excuse me ?!" Tia frowned at his reply

"Yeah, You, You saved this family Tia .. You should be happy I did what I did !! I was the bread winner, if Gee had killed me over some money .. You, Your mama, Tay .. Ya'll would've been on the streets somewhere if I hadn't made that decision !!" He replied

Tia stared at her father wide eyed as she let his reply soak in her mind .. Her trigger finger twitched as she thought about all the hurt she had dealt with knowing her father had given her up without a care in the world !! Jaceon, Pimp, & even Gee made her feel the exact way her dad did .. replaceable !! She sat there with her eyes wet from tears as she gripped her gun a little tighter ..

"Dry your damn eyes Tia !! You alright, from what I hear you was living better than us !!" He sniffed another line

"Daddy, that don't mean shit !! The hurt I've had to deal with all these years because I didn't mean enough to my daddy or my damn mama for that matter, fucking damaged me !! And here you is still don't fuckin care !!" She yelled

Tony rolled his eyes before reclining back in his chair .. "Don't dwell on the past !! It'll kill you !!" He said popping a toothpick in his mouth

"No !! It'll kill you !!" She said raising her gun

"So you gonna kill me for that ?!" He asked shaking his head

"No, I gave you a second chance with me that day in the parking lot .. This time is for my mama !! She might not give a damn the way you treat her but I do !!" She said wiping her face

"She ain't complaining .. so why should you ?!" He asked

Tia shook her head silently trying to talk herself out of killing him but her arm didn't budge

"You mean to tell me after all these years Gee never took a try at you ?" He asked "A young, beautiful, girl like you .. You filled out pretty damn good that's for sure !!" He chuckled

Tia frowned in disgust as she pulled the trigger letting a bullet pierce his chest.. Her dad smiled as he tried catching his breath..

This time Tia made sure he didn't survive as she shot another bullet into his head .. Before she left she walked over to her dad kissing his cheek one last time before walking out of the door ..




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