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Formula, burp, diaper change, sleep !! Formula, burp, diaper change, sleep then repeat !! That was Tia's new schedule since the baby had came along .. Gee was barely around, it was as if her life was going back to the way it was at first !! Only this time she was stuck in the house with a baby .. a baby that wasn't hers .. just a couple months after she had aborted her own child !! The thought of having a newborn & the man she wanted around all the time was what grabbed Tia's attention at first !! She was looking for a escape from her past, she needed love .. but she found herself more depressed than anything !! She was reminded on a daily of her own kid, & everything she had been through .. and with Gee's presence barely there she still had no-one !! Which wasn't cutting it for her ..

Tia sent Gee another text message as she sat at the kitchen counter, with that one joining the other seven unanswered texts that sat in his inbox from her .. She was damn near drunk as she swallowed the last bit of her apple crown royal !!

The baby was down for the night so she took her only opportunity that she got each day to indulge .. Unexpectedly she heard the front door open, quickly jumping to her feet she made her way to the foyer watching as Gee kicked his shoes off ..

"Where you been ?" Tia asked staring him up and down ..

Gee turned around slightly frowning "What you mean ?" He asked as he walked past her going into the kitchen

Tia shook her head " The question was pretty fuckin simple Gee !! Where you been ?!" She asked raising her voice

Gee was calm as he ignored her going into the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water .. "Out !!" He replied after taking a sip

The more and more nonchalant he acted the more pissed she got ..

"Gee .. don't fuck with me !!" She said closing her eyes as she shook her head

"The fuck you talkin about Baby ?! Damn .. don't act like this shit new to you just because we fuckin now .." He said as he walked out of the kitchen

She followed him "Gee, you got a whole fuckin baby upstairs that I fuckin take care of .. !! I've texted you 7 times and you didn't respond to not one .. who fuckin does that ?!" Tia was getting more and more pissed the more she talked ..

"I was busy !!" He walked into his office

"Busy ?! I've done the same fuckin thing you have Gee and trust me it's not that fuckin hard to answer a text message !!" She said folding her arms as he sat at his desk glaring at her

"You better not wake the baby up !!" He replied turning his attention to his phone ..

"Why the fuck would you care ?!" She laughed "I'm with your kid 24/7 Gee and can't even get you to fuckin text me back while you're out fuckin whoever !!" With one swipe she knocked his laptop clean off of his desk along with some documents ..

Gee still was calm "Who am I fuckin Tia ?" He asked sitting his phone down ..

She laughed .. taking out her phone she walked over to him showing him pictures, pictures of him with different females entering and leaving one of his penthouses .. leaving hotels .. a few of them he was even by a pool with a chick half naked in his lap, and the final one .. him and some random chick in the pool together clearly fuckin !! Tia had held in her emotions for long enough, what he forgot was he wasn't fucking with a regular bitch !! She had knew he was cheating but never said anything until that very moment ..

"Where you get that ?" Gee asked still calm

"Dont worry about it .. just know we even !!" She said getting ready to walk out of the room just for Gee to pull her back by her arm

"What the fuck that's supposed to mean ?!" He asked standing up

"Just how it sounds !!" She smirked attempting to walk away again just to be pulled back by Gee

"Get fucked up !!" He said walking closer ..

"No, you get fucked up !!" Pointing her finger in his face Gee didn't know when Tia played hardball she played to win .. She wasn't gonna cry and get over it .. she was gonna fuck you harder !! "I'm not about to play with you and them simple ass bitches .. I didn't ask for any of this shit !! I aborted my own kid who says I have to sit in here and fuckin take care of yours ?! I was really being nice Gee but you gonna let your dick get you fucked off !! I'll kill you and any other bitch who fuckin with you I kid you not !! Don't think you gonna get yours and I don't get mine .." She had finally found his trigger as he pulled his hand back slapping her ..

He rolled up his sleeves just for baby to punch him in his jaw .. He didn't budge even though she busted his lip .. they were fighting like two men, eventually leading to a crying Tia on the floor .. she wasn't crying because of her bruises or cuts more so because she was watching her happily ever after go down the drain .. Gee sat down across from her out of breath as he watched her break down in the middle of the floor .. even him himself didn't know where they went wrong ..

"What is it about me that's so .. unwanted and not good enough Gee ?" She asked her voice now low and quivering ..

He didn't say anything as she wiped her tears ..

"I'm starting to believe I'll never be happy !!" She said laughing

Gee sighed "It's not you baby !!" He said

"Every man I've ever loved has left me, abused me, & cheated on me !!" She was still laying in the middle of the floor pouring her heart out as she stared at the cieling "You can't tell me it's not me !!" She replied as more tears slid down her face

"I'm sorry .. Baby .. For everything .. You don't deserve none of this shit, I agreed to not hurt you again and I'm doing the complete opposite ma !!" He replied

"I don't want to hear no more apologies Gee .. " She sat up looking him in the eyes

"You know I love you .. " He said

She shook her head "I think we both know we're done Gee" Tia sniffled as she looked down at her hands

They were at a crossroads and didn't want to admit it .. but it was now or never ..

"We can take turns with the baby .. if that's cool, I really do love him Gee !!" She said getting up

"Baby .. you ain't leaving me !!" He stood up

Tia put her hands up "Just stop Gee !! Let's just end this before we end up killing each other !! Look at my face .. look at yours .. We was better off just friends !!" She replied "I'll find another place and we go from there .. but we not good together !!" She cried

Gee shook his head as he watched her walk out the room ..

His hands were tied to keep from hurting her he knew he'd have to let her go .. once and for all !!

1 Week Later

Tia stared out into the ocean as she relaxed in the shade .. After her and Gee's break up she took a well needed trip to Tahiti, alone !! Despite Gee's objections .. she needed to time to heal, so she planned on staying however long it took !! She was across the world from Gee which made it even better .. She was finally her main priority and that's how she planned on it staying !!

The End


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