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Tia stormed away as she heard Gee yell something to one of his boys, tears were flowing vigorously down her face as she was overwhelmed with emotion !! Torturing Candice gave her that short term high she had been craving, but killing her only left her crashing because even after all of that Tay was still gone !! A few seconds later she heard the sound of Gee's Ralph Lauren boots hitting the floor as he followed behind her .. Once inside his office she attempted to slam the door only for Gee to catch it.. seconds later she was up against the wall as Gee held her by her neck !!

"You don't fuckin listen do you !!" He said shoving her over and over again into the wall

The force of Gee pushing her and the hardness of the wall took the breath out of her, but at that point not even she cared !! Tia almost felt lifeless and on the inside she was secretly hoping Gee would kill her ..

"Why you couldn't fuckin wait Baby ?! Huh ?" He asked right before smacking her across her face ..

He let her go allowing her to breathe, watching as she coughed & cried Gee wanted nothing more than to comfort her but another part of him had forgot how much she meant to him and wanted her to suffer .. His only concern was Tia and his unborn child but when she took it upon herself to settle the score he snapped ..

Gee stood above her breathing hard as he watched her fall apart, he had never seen her that way and it was fucking with him whether he wanted it to or not !! Tia not once cursed him, or attacked him like she normally would have done .. Instead she kneeled right there in the middle of the floor crying her eyes out !! He watched as she fell apart right in front of him ..

Shaking his head he picked her up by her arms that's when she snapped ..

"Stop !! Stop !! Gee don't fuckin touch me !!" She yelled "Kill me, just fuckin do it !! I honestly don't give a damn anymore so fuckin do it !!" Tia slapped him across his face in attempt to make him mad but it only made Gee empathize for her even more .. She was hurt, and apart of it was his fault .. "Don't bitch out now !! I killed your fucking child so kill me !!" She screamed at him again this time reaching for his gun she grabbed it before he could stop her ..

Tia took the gun off of safety and handed it to Gee "Do it !! Please, just do it !!" Tia was hysterical

"Baby, ain gonna do that aight !!" He replied tossing the gun across the room "We even aight !!" Gee attempted to wrap his arms around Tia just for her to push him away

"I don't wanna live no more Gee !!" She shook her head as she turned away from him running her fingers through her hair releasing it from her bun .. "I'd rather be dead !!"

Sighing Gee took a look around his office before walking over to her "Tia, this shit is temporary !! It'll get better !!" He replied

"No it's not .. My own parents gave me up to a stranger when I was just fucking 13 Gee !! The first 2 men I ever really liked raped, and fuckin tortured me !! Then there was you .." She said turning around to face him "My knight in fuckin armor .. the one I thought would never betray me, the only man besides my brother I really fuckin trusted .. then all of a sudden out of the blue you started putting all these random ass mu'fuckas before me !! Me !! Of all people Gee you put Candice before me .. even when I proved to you she was fuckin foul !!" She yelled slapping him again

"Calm down Baby !!" He said calmly licking his lips

"Fuck you !!" She yelled slapping him again

Gee sighed stepping away from her

"Let's be honest we wouldn't even be here if you had listened to me the first time !!" Tia said with tears still flowing down her face

"You right !! I apologize !! Let's fix it .." Gee said walking closer to her

"How ?" Tia laughed "I'm damaged like a bitch Gee, I don't think I can feel love anymore !!" She said still laughing

If Gee had never felt guilty before he felt it that day .. Tia was a mess and he was partly to blame ..

"You still love me !!" He replied

Tia looked up at him, but even with her heart on defense mood she couldn't deny him ..

"Just trust me Baby .. This time I promise you I ain't gonna let you down again !!" He said with as much sincerity as he could pull from within himself .. He needed her to believe him now more than ever !!

"How do I know that Gee ? I thought that the first time !! Do you know the shit I've been through ?! How do I know shit won't keep happening ?!" Tia's voice cracked as she wiped her face just for more tears to fall

"Cause I won't fuckin let it .. Baby I promise you, ain't nobody else gonna hurt you !! That's a promise .. I made that mistake once I ain't makin it again .. I'll take care of you .." Gee replied wrapping his arms around her waist

"This feeling is no joke !!" She said burying her face into Gee's chest .. Her voice was so low even he could barely hear her .. and it broke him to see her that low ..

"I know, I meant what I said when I said I would take care of you girl !!" Gee lifted her face up by her chin wiping the tears from her face he seen more than the sweet, innocent, girly girly, she once was ..

Instead standing in front of him was a savage, gangsta, smart, but beautiful chick that he single handedly created .. In a way he was proud, but the shit she had to go through in order to reach that status he wished he could've left out ..

"Let's go home !!" He said grabbing her by the hand and leading her out of the office ..

Grabbing ahold of his arm Tia followed him out ..



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