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Tia walked slowly through the halls of the hospital as she looked to find her mom's room.. Once she found it she stood outside for a few minutes attempting to pull herself together before walking in on something she may not be able to handle .. She slowly walked in seeing her brother sitting across from her mom's bed as if he was in deep thought !! Tia placed her hand over her mouth at the sight of her mom laying there, her fresh bruises were black and blue .. Both of her eyes were so swollen she couldn't even open them, her lip was busted, scratches and contusions were spread across her face .. Instantly Tia got mad !!

"What the fuck Tay ?!" Tia said as she clenched and un-clenched her fist at the sight of her mom "Where is he ?!" She asked

"I don't know, I came straight here !!" He replied never taking his eyes off of his mom

"Well who found her ?" She asked him looking back at her mom

"Me !! I found her unconscious on the floor .." Tay responded as he sighed

"What have the doctor said ?" Tia asked walking over to her mom's side

"He could've killed her, she may have brain damage, she's unresponsive, concussion, and some other shit !!" He replied shaking his head "I guess we just might have to wait on that business, until she gets better !!" He said

Tia shook her head no "No, I'll handle it !!" She replied

"No, you won't .. I ain't leaving this hospital no time soon & You damn sure ain't gonna go do that shit by yourself !!" He said

"Tay, I know how to handle myself aight .." She said folding her arms across her chest

"You ain't going without me !!" He said

Then someone knocked interrupting Tia's thoughts, Turning around she smirked as Gee entered the room with a huge bouquet of roses and balloons..

"How she doing ?" Gee asked as he grilled her with a smile

"What are you doing here Gee ?" She asked as she glared at him

"Word on the street is your mom's was in the hospital so I came to check on you !!" He replied still grilling her over "And her !!" He added with a smirk

Tia tilted her head to the side as she studied him ..

"I need to talk to you, can we talk in private ?" He asked

Tia glanced at her brother who was glaring at her .. "Yeah !!" She replied "Tay, I'll be back in a minute !!" She said

"Hurry up !!" He replied glaring at Gee

Gee chuckled before walking out the room with Baby following him ..

"What is it ?!" She asked closing the door

"I said somewhere private, this ain't private !!" He said still walking

Tia rolled her eyes as she continued to follow him, Gee reached back and grabbed her hand pulling her along until they reached the hospital entrance .. He kept walking until they reached his all black Mercedes Maybach that was parked in the hospitals parking lot .. Opening the door for her Gee stood back waiting for her to get in .. Tia hesitated ..

"What's this about ?" She asked

"Get in !!" He said placing one hand on the car and the other on the door so that she couldn't walk away .. like he was used to her doing .. Tia rolled her eyes before getting into the car, placing it on child lock he closed the door then walked around to his side and got in ..

"Drive !!" He said to the driver as he let the partition up

Gee closed the shades and covered the windows as she felt the car pull off ..
Looking over towards Gee for an explanation he was too busy in his phone to acknowledge the look of confusion on her face ..

"Gee !!" Tia yelled over at him ..

"What ?!" He asked not looking up from his phone ..

"Where in the hell are you taking me ?" She asked "You said you needed to talk to me in private, you didn't say across town some damn where !!" She yelled

Gee shook his head then rubbed his chin "Still got a smart ass mouth I see !!" He replied look up at Tia

"Where are we going Gee ?" She asked again ..

"I just needed to talk to you !!" He said putting his phone away ..

"Well talk .. I'm listening !!" She said folding her arms across her chest

"Word on the street is you making big boy moves .." He paused waiting for Tia's reaction

"And where did you hear that from ? Miguel ?!" She asked rolling her eyes

She knew Miguel was the only person who could've told him .. The other people that knew what she was doing never lived to tell it ..

"What you doing Baby ?" He asked sending a tingle down her spine .. nobody had called her that in a while ..

"Nothing .. Gee !!" She replied sounding irritated

"Don't sound like it to me !!" He said

Tia sighed ignoring him ..

"What you doing is dangerous ma !!" He looked at her sincerely

"I don't know what you talkin about !!" Tia said nonchalantly still not looking at him

"Well, while I thank you for knocking out the competition for me .. what happens when I become the competition ?" He asked with a smirk

"What part of I don't know what the hell you're talking about don't you understand ?!" She asked again finally looking at him "Stop listening to people and their assumptions !!" Tia rolled her eyes

"You and them damn eyes" He said shaking his head "You gonna kill me too ?" Gee asked

Tia rolled her eyes

"I asked you a fucking question !!" He said

She sighed looking his way "Can you take me home ?!"

"Not yet !!" He said placing his hand on her knee, then massaged her thigh "We got another stop to make !!" He replied

Tia stared at his hand as she thought about her procedure, she was hoping he wasn't expecting sex but when his hand started to travel up her leg towards her pussy she knew what he had in mind

"I can't Gee !!" She said pushing his hand away

"You can't what ?!" He asked placing his hand back on her thigh

"Have sex !!" Tia replied looking at him

"Why not ?!" Gee sighed

"My period !!" She said sighing

"Damn !!" He chuckled shaking his head "So much for that !!" He said

"Is Candice on her period ?!" Tia asked smirking

Gee smirked biting his lip "I ain't with her !!" He replied

"That's what they all say !!" She said shaking her head "Can I go home now, I got stuff to do ?!" Looking at Gee

"People to kill ?" He asked with a smile

"Just take me back to the hospital aight .." She replied

Gee told the chauffeur to take Tia back to the hospital .. They both were silent the entire ride as Gee grilled her and she focused her attention outside !! Once they pulled up Tia didn't hesitate to pull the handle trying to let herself out, forgetting Gee had it on safety lock ..

"Let me out !!" She said not looking at him

"Say please !!" He said with a smile

Tia rolled her eyes looking at him, Gee chuckled as he got out and walked over to her side letting her out ..

"I guess, I'll be seeing you soon !! Take it easy on me killer !!" He said with a smile

Tia smirked as she got out and headed to her car ..

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