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Tia hadn't heard from Gee after they exchanged words the previous night, she had fell asleep shortly after arguing with him & eating her hot wings.. Her and Gee walked around all night with tension in the air, sexual tension, and animosity !! He was starting to notice she wasn't the same Baby that used to hang on to his every word, her attitude was 10x's worse, she was more stubborn than he last remembered, and she seemed to get off on pissing him off .. Tia checked her phone as she sat up in bed !! Tay had texted her a total of 9 times and had called 18 times, after getting caught up with Gee she had forgot to text him and let him know what was going on .. That's when Gee walked in the room ..

"Your brother came by looking for you, I told him you wasn't here !!" He said blandly

"And why would you do that ?!" Tia asked frowning up as she tossed the covers off of her and climbed out of the bed

"Because .. I feel like nobody need to know about what we doin !! Not even him !!" He said sticking his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants

"Gee, my brother and me started this shit !! How you gonna shut him out ?! And what exactly are we doing ? I haven't agreed to shit .. " She folded her arms across her chest ..

"So you admit it ?" He asked

"Admit what ?!" Tia was getting annoyed .. Over the years Gee had all control over everything she did and she felt like he was doing it all over again, and she didn't like it ..

"You admit that you and your brother was killin mu'fuckas off in order to take over they turf !!" He replied already knowing the answer

Tia sighed "You sure is asking a lot of questions" She said pulling her hair out of the ponytail it was in.. "When can I go ?" She asked walking away ..

"Baby, It's bad enough you doin this shit but if you gonna do it .. You ain't gonna do it without me overseeing it !!" He said following her to the bathroom..

"Gee, did we not have this conversation last night ?" She asked turning around to face him "I'll do whatever I want to do and you can't do shit about it !!" Tia smirked as she watched Gee clench his jaw "That includes a variety of things, use your imagination to figure it out !!" She smiled running her hand down his chest ..

Gee smirked noticing she was purposely trying to piss him off "Baby, you gonna do this with me whether you want to or not .. in case you done forgot who the fuck I am.. You can't do shit without me saying so !! All I gotta do is make one phone call and you'll never hear from Miguel again !! All I gotta do is put word out on the streets and these niggas won't even make eye contact with you, I can do all that .. and you know it !! So don't act like you forgot, humble yourself mama before I do it for you !!" He watched as Baby shifted on her feet uncomfortably .. "And as far as you fuckin, you right .. you can fuck whoever the fuck you want to .. but it won't be hard for me to shut that down either !! When niggas start comin up missing let's see who have the last fuckin laugh .. now giggle at that !!" He said before walking off

Tia sucked her teeth as she followed behind him "What part of I'm not yours don't you fuckin understand ?!" She asked pushing him in his back as hard as she could

"You wanna be ?" Gee asked turning around facing her "Is that your problem ? You need a title ?" He asked

She shook her head smirking "No, I don't need shit from you except for you to leave me alone !!" Tia replied

"You mine, and you been mine for a long time now !! It's about time you start acting like it !!" He replied with a smile .. Gee was getting under her skin and he knew it ..

"That's funny, what was Candice ? Where is she by the way ? How's the baby ?" She asked putting her hands on her hips

"Be ready at 4 !!" Gee said walking away from her

"Why ?"

"It's time to get down to business .." He said walking away

Tia shook her head as she turned around walking back into her room, She attempted to call her brother back but it wouldn't let her make any phone calls or send any text messages .. Knowing it was the work of Gee she gave up after a few tries and checked her voicemail realizing she had to go back to the abortion clinic and get her birth control shot, she also had a few messages from her brother ..

Tia found whatever she could fit in her closet to put on .. Her bleach faded straight leg true religion jeans fitted her curves to perfection, She slipped into a fitted white Balmain half tee with the black letters, and put on some white ankle strapped manolo blahnik heels !! A black choker graced her neck as she put her hair up in a messy bun .. Strutting downstairs she went straight out the door and to the first car she seen !! Gee must've learned his lesson about keeping his keys in his car with her there because she couldn't find a set to save her life !! Tia got out and headed back inside and straight to Gee's office the guys from the previous night where there sitting around smoking and talking with Gee .. Tia smirked ..

"Hey" She said not looking at no one but Gee

Dre, and Rio spoke as Gee and Tia just mugged each other ..

"I have a appointment to go to.. so, I need keys !!" She replied lacing her fingers through her belt loops

"What kind of appointment ?" He asked

"Keys, please !!" Tia said rolling her eyes

Gee tossed her a set of keys from out of his drawer and Tia walked out ..

"Be back by 4 !!" Gee yelled

Tia tossed up the deuces and kept walking ..




Watch The Throne (Part 2 Of BABY)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz