bitch, you're a meme

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You're not Harry Styles — Dylan
"Running around with your God Complex,
do you picture yourself when we're having sex?"

Chapter Fourteen


It's Wednesday and the hallway is full of people whispering as I walk past. Anyone would hate being the origins of those hall-whispers, but I adored it. No one could pull a Tuesday night party, be this hangover and still look this good. My OFTD was crushing it.

"Hey," I said as I reached to Luna's locker. She was standing there with Ivy and Julien.

"Hey, girl." Luna said with a grin as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "That was a really crazy party, last night wasn't it?"

"Fuck those guys for crashing my car," Randy said angrily. "I'm gonna find out who those fuckers are and fuck them up."

"Yeah, fuck those guys," I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes. Clearly, the biggest issue wasn't that Lewis Rogers tried to take advantage of a girl, but the cars of Otto Anderson's neighborhood.

"You think what they did was funny?" He asked me, but it sounded more of a warning.

"No, I just think Lewis Rogers trying to grope me while being unconscious would probably be more traumatizing than your 2001 Nissan getting some paint." Anyone would think the silence that followed afterwards was an "awkward" silence. But I considered it a "I'm-reeducating-my-mind" silence.

Luna grinned and grabbed me by the arm. "Relax, he hasn't dare to show up his face since he was cancelled in Twitter."

"Thank god," I said. "Finally, society does something right."

"Anyway," Ivy said as she pushed her hair backwards. Her eyes were clearly set into something as her eyes looked like the one's of a cat trying to catch the reflection of a flashlight. "The guy that saved you..."

"First of all, ew. Second of all, ew. Don't say "save". What am a Disney princess? I was almost conscious. Don't insult me, I've been a lot worse."

"Fine," Ivy said as she rolled her eyes. "The guy who helped you out is totally hot and sweet." I followed her eyes to where her eyesight settled. There was Sebastian pulling out his books from his locker. He looked so clean with his white shirt, dark jean jacket, and nike shoes. He looked like the type of guy my mom would want me to date. Sebastian walked as he tried to figure out his schedule. Our eyes met, unwillingly. He walked over.

"Hi Serenity," he said gently making me want to gag. "Are you doing any better now?"

I frowned, "You lost or something?"

"Actually," he said as he displayed a boyish smile. He looked slightly embarrassed. "I am lost." Somehow he sounded like he was apologizing. "I was wondering if you had science next class?"

"No," I lied dryly.

Ivy took his schedule from his hands,  she read it. "I don't have science, but I know where class 214 is, I can show you."

"Great," he said thankful. I glanced at Ivy unbelievable, she just shrugged and walked away with Sebastian. This bitch is desperate. Eyes were immediately set on Sebastian, who seemed unable to wash off his smile. Does that guy ever stop smiling?

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