toilet paper hanging from my head

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Green Light — Lorde
"I'm waiting for it, that green light, I want it"

Chapter Four


I didn't know where to run to, I didn't know what to do. I was panicking as I just stood in the middle of the chaos unable to figure out what to do. I didn't know where to hide nor where to run to. Gwen was nowhere to be found and all I could think of was; my mom is gonna kill me.

I started running in an effort to find her. I scanned around the place, people ran and slammed into me. I looked for a way out, I stupidly followed the crowd and tried to find some sort of place to hide. I could listen to the policemen right behind me. People pushed me out of their way desperately to get to their cars. I was being dragged one way to another violently by the crowd.

The policemen were actually handcuffing people or using gas to immobilize them, which freaked me even more out.

All I could think was to call Gwen. But as I took my phone out of my purse,
someone's elbow crashed against my side making me lose the grasp of my phone.

"No!" I shouted with my brain still processing the pain in my ribs. I immediately thought about reaching for it, but I was afraid people would step over me. My phone flew further and further until I couldn't see it anymore. I panicked, I didn't know what to do.

I could hear the cops shouting and all I could think was; get the Seuss out of here. I ran as fast as I could looking for somewhere to hide. I spotted a container not so far away, I stopped short. I couldn't believe what I was about to do, but I was desperate and I could only justify it because there was nowhere else to hide and no time to think. The only words that encouraged me to do so were; my mom WILL kill me. I made sure that no police officer saw me as I open into the container and jumped in.

I nearly threw up once landing. My eyes got all teary and I tried to avoid imagining what I was soaking in.  I felt whatever liquid was inside these bags going inside my shoes and impregnating in my clothes. I made sure I heard no more noise or voices before I came out of the container again. I carefully opened the title up, the police, the racers, the viewers were gone. Gwen probably too.

I panicked at the sight of no one, I got out of the container and tried to find my way back. I raced back to where Gwen parked her car with hope that she would still be there...thankfully the car was, but she wasn't. I felt anxiety hit me, how was I getting back home? I had no phone to call to, my friend was probably a million miles away or worst taken by the cops. Would I end up sleeping here? What was I going to do? How was I getting home?

Suddenly, I saw a motorcycle from afar, I raced towards it as I waved my arms up and down.

"Carrisa!" I heard him shout, my eyes widen as he raced towards me.

"Aiden?" I asked as I made out his face that was lit up by the street lights. Gwen probably sent him to find me, it could be the only rational reason.

"Get on," He ordered as he pointed to his motorcycle. I could breath again, I walked toward his way and at that moment the street light hit me, Aiden's eyes widen at my sight. "What the hell happened to you?" I could feel my cheeks turning red, it's embarrassing,

"I," I began with my eyes glued to the ground, "Ijumpedinsideatrashcan." I murmured. There's a mixture of colors in my clothes as well as smells, and I try to ignore the fact that there's toilet paper hanging from my hair. This was the most embarrassing thing that had ever happen to me.

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