Chapter 21: Stormy Weather

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"Did you guys actually think you could keep me away from the fight," I said as I busted through the door of the plan room. My father and Cap were across the main table in the center of the room probably going through last minute changes.

"Well I saw this coming. I thought Pietro could keep her at bay a little bit longer than that," my dad said to cap as he started to collect the papers from the table.

"She is your daughter; you should know she has too much determination to not figure out our plan."

"Do you guys think this is a joke?" I can't believe they're not taking this seriously.

"Oh honey, of course we are taking this seriously. That's why we had Pietro distract you. The whole team agreed that you wouldn't join us. Nicole is after you and that means she would go directly for you, with her power level right now I just want to protect you." Cap looked at me in agreement with what my father said.

"You can't take me away from the fight. She has hurt so many people, with my face on. It's my job to take her down. I need to redeem myself and to do that is to beat Nicole. I feel it in my soul that I am the only one who can stop her. That might sound ridiculous but it's true. No matter what you do I am going to take her down."

"Steve, what do you think?"

"Tony, she is your daughter. It's up to you but I do have to say she has gown. She can almost beat me in a fight, almost." I can so beat him.

"I am sorry Nicole I am not allowing you to fight. I can feel it in my gut that I shouldn't allow you to come. You are my daughter, my everything and I need to protect you. This is how I do that."

"You might think you are protecting me but you are only hurting the team. I am going to go and take her out with or without your help." With that I walked out of the room steaming with rage. I understood why he was doing this but I can't get myself to not go and fight. I actually wish I could.

BOOM! I love when the weather just perfectly matches my emotion. My room has a perfect showing of the storm outside. Staring at it kept reminding me how horrible I feel right now. I am mad at everyone. My dad not allowing me to fight, basically the whole team not wanting me to fight, and the person I am maddest at right now, Pietro. He actually tried to keep me away from knowing about the mission. How could he possibly have done that to me? He knows what I feel about this mission. That girl has taken too much and I am not backing down from her. That's why I know I have to get out of here. Not just to Chicago like last time, I might love that city but that is the first place anyone would look for me. I have to leave and find somewhere no one can find me. I am done with everyone trying to hold me back. Now I really just need my space. For now, only one suit case should do till I find a place to get away.

"Nicole, what are you doing?" There he finally was, the one and only Pietro. I knew he would come at some point. I didn't even want to look at him. Looking out the window was the only thing keeping all of my emotion together.


"Why do you have a suit case packed?"

"I think you know why."

"Nicole, please don't act like this. I didn't want to do what I did."

"Yet you did."

"I had no choice. Tony and Cap told me to do it. Plus, I don't think you should come to the mission. The way you have been talking I just get the feeling that something bad is going to happen." I turn towards him. I could feel all my emotion bubbling up but I know I had to keep it all down.

"Well it's my decision in the first place to go. You have no control over that. Don't even try."

"Nicole, please don't be mad at me for what I did. I don't want you to come and I know you might hate me for that. I just don't know what I would do if something happened."

"Pietro, I understand everything you are saying but I am going on this mission and after everything is done I am leaving. Leaving somewhere to be alone."

"Is that what the suit case is for, you leaving." He stepped closer to me surprised at what I had just said.

"Yes I am going to leave. I can't stay here where no one asks me what I want. I just need time to myself finally."

"You can't leave; you just came back from Chicago. You can't leave the team." Anger started to bubble up again. This is exactly why I am leaving in the first place. No one here is asking what I want or even considering the option.

"Pietro I really can't do this with you right now." I turned back around to my suit cased and attempted to zip it up. Maybe I packed too much.

"Well I need to fight this." All of a sudden Pietro had a hold of my face and pulled me towards him. With no hesitation he kissed me. In that moment all the anger disappeared and all I could think about was him. His lips felt perfect on mine. His hand on my face felt like it was always meant to be there. Everything felt right about this moment. I didn't know something could be so perfect but I can't do this. I know what he is trying to do. I can't let him change my mind. I might wish he would change my mind about everything but I need to stop Nicole. I know I do. It kills me but I put my hands on Pietro's chest and push him away.

"Pietro I have to leave. I know in my heart that I have to do this."

"Nicole, I don't want you to leave me." I am so sorry Pietro. I wish I didn't have to.

"You know deep down I have to. Maybe I will get hurt but this is what I have to do." I kissed him on the cheek and walked out of my room. It was time to prepare for probably the most important fight of my life.

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