"Oi, hush it, Lily, the last time I had Rose check on you in your dormitory, you were out by eight o'clock; and that was last week." James said, as he turned down the hall to get to his room.

Albus went back to sit on his bed and start reading when his door opened, and
James I walked in.

"I think I'm in the wrong room," he said, as he looked at the walls, a faded red, and then to Albus sitting on the bed in the middle.
"Well, if you were looking for the guest rooms, you go a little farther down the hall, and you turn and take a left." Albus said, eyeing the man, amused at the situation.
"Thanks. Oh, and Har- er Albus, I think you should talk to your father sooner or later, I know you have a rocky relationship, but that doesn't mean you should let it stay that way. And I know he never had much of a fatherly relationship in his life, your dad, he's had most of his father figures taken away from him from birth, starting with me. Although, I may be back now, it's not enough to fix the past. You can't erase the past, but you can try to fix the future." James I said, before he walked out to find his room.

Albus thought about what his grandfather had just told him, and he knew what he had to fix, and it would start with reading Regulus Black's diaries.

There were two diaries, one black and old, the other brown and leather also old, but with more of a binding on it. Albus opened the black one, figuring that was the first of the diaries, and he began to read.

September 1, 1972

I can't believe it! This is my first day going to Hogwarts! I'm hoping I get into Slytherin, but Gryffindor would be cool too. I'd like being in the same house as my older brother, but I don't want to let my parents down. I think that they believe Sirius to be a disgrace on the family name. I don't think so, he's my brother. Besides, it shouldn't matter what house he's in, I care for him either way. Well, I'm signing off for now.

October 27, 1972

It's October, and I enjoy the classes here at Hogwarts. I was placed in Slytherin, and I love the dormitories. The giant squid is really neat to look at as he swims. I've made many friends, and I'm not getting into nearly as much trouble as Sirius. I hope my parents are proud of my accomplishments, along with all that Sirius has done. He really deserves more credit. Halloween is coming up, and I can't wait for it! Best be done writing for the day, don't want to have anyone else see me writing in a diary.
~ R.A.B.

December 21, 1972

It's winter holiday, and I'm finally home for Christmas. Mum's done nothing but scold Sirius. It saddens me to see her yelling at him so much, and it isn't just mother, it's father as well. They call him names, and worse, just because he's different. But if I ever spoke up about it, I'd be canned. I guess in my parent's minds, it's for the best though. I hope they don't do anything too terribly rash, I'd hate to see my family torn apart from one silly spat. Mum's calling me down for something, I'll just sign off now, I'll write more later.

December 27, 1972

Mum yelled at Sirius again today, and he blew his temper on her. That didn't do anyone any good, mum, she lost it. She used one of the unforgivable curses on Sirius, the Cruciatus curse if I'm correct. I don't know why she did it. It was terrible to watch. I miss my brother, we don't have as close a bond as before. I wish I could fix things.
Signing off, for now.
~ R.A.B.

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