Chapter 1

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My heart was pounding, my legs were hurting. I could feel them right behind me. what if I didn't make it, what if they catch me? I'm so close now I'm not giving up.
I stopped and kicked the ball right in the net.

"I did it! I got my first goal in soccer!"
My team came up and patted me on the back, I may have gotten the goal but we still lost.
My babysitter Sandra also patted me on the back when she came down from the stands.

"You played well" Sandra said.

"Thanks...I wish when mommy and daddy come back that they won't let me play soccer anymore." I said to her.
I really don't like soccer but it's a good game for 8 year olds like me they said.

When we got back home I went upstairs to my room. I looked at my headboard to see the hat my dad gave me, I smiled, grabbed it, and put it on.
Suddenly I heard screaming from down stairs. IT WAS SANDRA!
I ran down the stairs to see what had happened, I turned the corner to the kitchen to see Sandra fighting someone that was on top of her.

"RUN!" She yelled at me, pushing the person off as they hit their head on the counter.
I stood there, I couldn't move... I just stood there watching as all a sudden Sandra yelled more furious then ever.


I ran passed them to the sliding glass door, the person smelt horrible...I looked behind me before I closed the sliding glass door, it was a lady! It was our neighbour! Mrs. Cass. Why was she attacking Sandra? I saw Sandra look at me with fear. I slammed the glass door, turned around when I heard a blood curdling scream. I froze. I didn't want to turn around, but I did, they were gone? I cupped my hands over my eyes as I looked into the glass door.
Something moved on the ground, I squinted my eyes to try and get a better look. It was Mrs. Cass, blood coming down her mouth as a pool of blood formed in the walk way of the kitchen.
I backed away from the door slowly before I felt the decks polls against my back.

"Did...did I just... Did I just watch Mrs. Cass, the sweet lady from next a peace of my babysitters neck out?" I said almost passing out because how fast I was breathing. I felt tears come down the sides of my face as I ran to my tree house my dad had made for me.
I felt sick, scared, confused.

"I want my mommy and daddy!" I yelled to my self. I sat there crying for hours. I heard a noise come from the house.

"THE PHONE! it might be mommy and daddy." I ran to the sliding glass door and

remembered Mrs. I should say.
Suddenly I heard a loud noise come from behind the fence coming from the forest.
I walked towards the fence a peeked threw the cracks in between.

"A cop car?" I pulled away, then looked again.

"Why did he fall off the side of the road?" I asked myself.
Then I saw a bunch of people walk towards the cop car. I watched. They pulled the cop out of the cop car, he pulled out his shot gun.

"Stand down! I'll shoot!" He threatened them, it didn't work. One was on top of him when then I her a loud bang. I screamed.

"Get off! GET THE FUCK OFF MEEEeee...ugghhh!" Then silence. I pulled away from the fence. And slowly walked to my tree house.

"I'm...I'm scared." I felt the tears come down again as I heard those, groan and moan as they feast on the officer on the other side of the fence.
I sat down by my tea set in front of the tree where my tree house was in.
I took off my hat and thought of my parents.

"Hello!? Anyone out there?!" I heard a mans voice.


Hey guys, this I my first chapter of my very first story. It's based on a video game, some of you may know that by now. Did you enjoy the first chapter? Please let me know :) thanks.

You're Either Living Or Not.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon