Dream state.

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Word count: 3103.

Description: Phil is an unhappy prince, but maybe his servant Dan can change that... Or maybe he's an adventurer who is being led on a quest through a forest with a mad man called Dan. He's not entirely sure anymore, after all, you never know you're in a dream until you wake up.

Warnings: none.

This story doesn't make any sense tbh so just go with it.


"Want to hear a cool fact?" Dan said, smiling at me and taking a seat on the ground next to me.

"It's probably nothing I haven't heard before." I replied.

"Yes, but I think it's something you might want to remember." He grinned. I just shrugged and let him continue.

"Every person you encounter in your dreams or nightmares is someone that you have seen in your life. Whether it's someone you talk to every day or someone you have seen in a crowd and never actually given a second glance to doesn't matter. They could turn up at any time." He told me. I sighed before nodding. It was a long time before I spoke up again.

"I think I'm finally happy, Dan." I said, a few tears escaping my eyes against my will. He gave me a soft smile.

"Then why are you crying?" He asked. I gave a weak grin back before wiping my eyes.

"Because I know what the cost of being happy is, and I don't want it."

"Phil..." He whispered, moving closer to me. I could hear some birds above me flying out of the trees as the sun set.

"I don't want to loose you." I whispered just as quietly. He chuckled next to me, the hollow sound bouncing off the trees around us.

"You can't loose me. You can't loose something you never even had to begin with." I sighed again as he spoke and lay down on the grass, watching the night invade the sky. It was like everything was going fast. Too fast. Hours ticked by like seconds and suddenly I could see the moon shining above me and hear the forest come to life around me.

"I wish you were real." I whispered into the darkness.

"Me too."

It was silent for a while after that. There was nothing else to be said or done, apart from the one thing that I felt I couldn't do. But in that moment I knew it was time. Time to let go.

"Dan?" I whispered into the darkness. I waited until I heard a soft noise of acknowledgment before continuing.

"Tell me a story."

"Once upon a time in a land far, far away there lived a prince. He wasn't a happy prince though. All the riches in the world couldn't make him happy and no person could either, until one day he stumbled upon a new servant in the castle. He gave the servant a glance. Just a glance. But that's all it takes.

That night the prince went to sleep and dreamt a wonderful dream about the mysterious boy. He dreamt that they met in another life and became something more than what they were. He dreamt of hatred and fear, and that soon turned into something else. It turned into happiness.

The prince knew that it wasn't real and as soon as he woke up he would have to face his life again, but for that night he dreamt that he could just let go and be... Free. Happy."

"And what happened to the prince in the end?" I yawned, already slipping into the darkness.

"Well that's something you'll have to find out for yourself. Wake up Phil, wake up."

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