Everything you've ever wanted (and quite possibly much less)

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Word count: 242.

Description: I mean, interpret it as you wish.

Warnings: None.


A bright flash of light and a loud thunder clap, the sound of rain hitting the ceiling to floor windows that decorated one wall of the room. A creaky bed that just got noisier the older it got standing against the opposite wall. That's where Dan lay.





Not pretty crying - he didn't know how people could do that. Not ugly crying either - he was too calm for that. And he defiantly wasn't loud crying - it was too soft.

Gentle. No sobbing or angrily wiping his eyes and nose, it was gentle. Calm.

He just let the tears roll down his pale skin like he did the rain through the open windows. Even during the storm he didn't close the windows, he just allowed them to be open. Just like him.

Another flash of lightning, but no thunder. Wait, does lightning usually flash a blue colour? Nevermind.

A buzz now. Or then? A buzzing sound. Dan turned, wait, was that bedside table always there? Another buzzing and Dan picked up his phone. Tears still, reading the name.



Got titles as long as Brendon Urie's forehead.

Got stories as confusing as a physics lesson.

I haven't written in this way for a while and sorry it's short but I've got writers block. Leave prompts if you want, idk do what you want. You do you friend.

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