Deafening silence

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Word count: 390.

Description: I never really understood the term 'deafening silence', as after all, silence can't be deafening.

Warnings: mild stomach pain.

I'll do something better later, leave me alone.


Dan's POV

I never really understood the term 'deafening silence', as after all, silence can't be deafening. It's silence. But I came to understand while I was in bed one night.

The pain in my stomach grew and a headache formed as I tried to tune into the world around me, a last ditch effort to soothe the pain slightly without getting up and getting any medication. Surprisingly, it didn't work. I listened harder, clinging onto the false hope I could reach something. Somehow, however, the quiet of the room was magnified by this and broadcasted back to me. It was like a mild buzzing that only got more intense over time, buzzing right into my ears to my brain and hitting my head. I swear at one point my vision changed and suddenly I was seeing the world in different colours.

The headache got worse and worse. The silence got to me, the quiet scaring me with the emptiness it held. I moved my hand to my head and was met with momentary relief, only to have that shattered as soon as I was still again. I needed noise. I needed anything but the quiet.

And then I heard it. The sound of Phil's laptop closing and a little yawn. The sound of socks on carpet and the opening of the bedroom door. The rustling of the sheets as he slipped under, already prepared for bed an hour before he actually came to bed.

Phil. He stopped the quiet with his rustling and breathing. He stopped every fear of the quiet I had in a heartbeat. I shuffled up close to him to hear a surprised squeak leave his lips, probably assuming I was already asleep.

"Hello there." He whispered into the room as I snuggled up further, wincing at my stomach but ignoring the pain in favour of getting closer to him. "Did I wake you?"

I shook my head against him and sighed in contentment as he wound his arms around me. A smile found my lips despite myself.

"Go to sleep, love."


I thought Dan should have to share my 2AM pain. Sorry Danny.


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