Weapons and A Date!?

Start from the beginning

"Hello! Welcome to Shinobi Weapons! Are there any specific types of........Hey aren't you the Hyuga heir, Hinata, you must know Hyuga Neji right?" The brown haired girl asked. Sasuke didn't miss Hinatas reaction to the name 'Hyuga Neji'. Who's Neji? He continued to scrutinize her next actions.

She composed herself. "H-hai, you must be his teammate..." She didn't know the girls name.

"Tenten." Tenten said looking at them with a toothy smile. Hinata gave her a small smile, "Nice to meet you Tenten-san." "Aw Hinata-chan, no need to be so formal!" She patted Hinata on the back which made her jump slightly. Tenten looked over to the boys, waiting for them to introduce themselves. "Hi Tenten-chan! My names Uzumaki Naruto!" Naruto spoke proudly as he shook hands with her. "Hn. Uchiha Sasuke, you better not be one of my fangirls." he glared. Tenten laughed and let out a small blush, "N-no, I..... I already like someone!" Sasuke was relieved.

"Are there any specific weapons you want me to show you guys?" She asked getting back to her original question. They told her they just needed to stalk up on weapons. Naruto went up to Hinata and started helping her pick out shuriken much to Sasukes displeasure. She blushed at the attention Naruto gave her, why wouldn't she? She 'loved' him and he was giving her his undivided attention. Sasuke decided to take matters into his own hands and came closer to Hinata helping her too. Hinata stared at him in surprise for his actions were totally out of character but she pushed it the the back of her mind and gave him a shy smile while sporting her infamous blush. They started into each others eyes a little to long before Sasuke turned back to the tools releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding. Hinata turned back as well, her entire face a deep crimson shade, digging her nails into the side of her arm, Naruto oblivious to all of this. Once they were done they went to the counter to pay.

"Ah, thank you and come back again!" Tenten cheerfully said. Right when they were about to leave the counter Hinata spotted a beautiful katana resting graceful on the wall behind Tenten. It was a mesmerizing sword with a silver blade and black grip with two ruby Chinese dragons decorated on it. It's sheath lay right on top of it with the same style of the grip. She unconsciously stopped and stared in awe at the fascinating sword. Tenten followed her gaze and grinned widely spinning back towards Hinata. "It's on the house Hinata-chan!" "Tenten-chan! I-Its okay, I-I was just looking at it!" Tenten gave her a smirk and grabbed the sword from its place on the wall, "I know you want it and I'm not taking no for an answer, hmmmm this sword will be the start of our new friendship!" She giggled knowing Hinata couldn't say no now. "I'll even teach you the basics of how to use it right now!" Naruto and Sasuke stared at Hinata waiting for her to answer Tenten. Hinata turned to her team mates, "I-is it okay if Tenten-chan teaches me for a-awhile before we go eat?" Sasuke shrugged and sat down on a stool indicating that it was fine by him and Naruto nodded vigorously with a large grinned plastered on his face.

After 3 hours of Tenten and Hinatas kenjutsu practice and 3 hours of Sasuke looking at Hinata in awe at how she learned so fast and moved so gracefully with the sword while Naruto just took a nap, Hinata thanked Tenten and team 7 was off to Ichiraku Ramen, Narutos choice.


"Ahh there's my number one customer! Naruto how you been, what can I get you all?" Teuchi the cheerful ramen chef greeted as they sat down on the red stools. Hinata sat in between the two boys on purpose to prevent fighting. Smart little Hina.

"I've been great old man! I'll have pork ramen, extra naruto!" Teuchi wrote down his order as they turned to Hinata. "A-ano I'll have miso ramen p-please." Ayame had joined them at the counter, "What a polite cute girl you are!" She complimented making Hinata flush. They all turn to Sasuke, "shoyu ramen." And with that the Ichiraku Ramen chefs got to work on there orders.

"Oi! Hinata-chan um... D-do you, do you talk to Sakura-chan?" Naruto said, his cheeks dusted a light pink. Hinatas face showed disappointment and as she struggled to find words to speak. Sasuke noticed this and he instantly got irritated with the 'dumb blonde', stupid dobe of course she doesn't!

"Idiot, you think she'd still talk to Sakura after what she said to Hinata back then." He said glaring at.

Naruto paused, searching for the memory. Remembering the incident he immediately started laughing nervously looking at Hinatas innocent face and Sasukes glare waving his arms in a defensive motion until he lost balance and fell off the stool. Their orders came and as they ate in silence with the exception of Naruto's one sided conversation. Hinata payed attention attentively while Sasuke was blocking him out only listening to half of what he was saying. Half way through their meal they heard a bark and annoying squeal.

Sure enough Sakura came in with her team and unhesitantly clutched to Sasukes arm like a parasite. "Sasuke-kun~ I haven't seen you in sooo long my precious boyfriend!" Kiba and Shino sweat dropped. Sasuke looked at Hinatas surprised face and shoved Sakura off a little too hard. "You are not my girlfriend. Get that through your thick skull." He grunted. Kiba snickered earning a glare from the bubblegum haired girl. "I'll be your boyfriend Sakura-chan!" Naruto exclaimed with a toothy grin running up to her and hugging her tightly while she tried to squirm free from his grasp. Hinata looked like she was about to cry watching her long time crush hug another girl. Sasuke sighed and placed his money on the table for both his and Hinatas meals. He took her hand and dragged her out of the restaurant. Hinata looked at his back confused but didn't say anything. He finally stopped at a bench and let go of her arm.

"Don't cry. You shouldn't waste your tears on such a baka like Naruto. You might love him but you shouldn't get hurt by the person you love. Naruto, he doesn't deserve you... he doesn't deserve you because he doesn't realize how much you care about him and how much he means to you, even though he proclaimed that no one cared about him, you did... don't you think you deserve better than that? I think you do." Hinata was sure that that was the most she'd even heard him say at once, she was already sniffing and wiping her remaining tears away. She sat down on the bench and Sasuke hesitantly sat down next to her. It was dark out by now, around 9 o'clock. She turned to face him with a smile and tear stained cheeks, the moonlight hitting her creamy skin. He couldn't help but examine her every feature, his heart was beating faster and faster. He hated the feeling but liked it at the same time. She looks beautiful, even when she cries. She really has no flaws.

She felt this warm feeling inside of her. She felt her face became hot. Her stomach started tightening. Her heart started to pick up its pace. This feeling was so foreign to her. What is this feeling? "Thank you Sasuke, thank you so much. No one has ever said something so nice to me." She unconsciously reached out and gave him a tight long hug. He stood stiff for a few seconds before warming up to it and hugged her back and enjoyed this moment with her. Little did they know that a certain white haired jonin was watching and listening to them from afar. She finally broke the hug with a blush, "hehe, I-I should get going i-it's  already dark out." He shoved his hands in his pockets nonchalantly as if nothing happened and offered to walk her home since it was already dark, he couldn't just leave her to walk alone! She said it was okay and started to walk off. She placed her cold hands on her flaming cheeks trying to cool them down. Calm down, tomorrow's my day off and I'll finally have a nice break...

He still silently followed her just to make sure she got there safely. He couldn't believe he was doing this, but he was... for her.

Kakashi who was unnoticed and not to far away from Sasuke grinned behind his book. So it seemed that stone cold Uchiha does have a heart, well at least for her... Hmmm I know just how to help him out with that.... He giggled.

A/N: CHAPTER FOUR DONE~~~ this chapter is shorter than my usual ones but this one strangely took a lot of time to write. Anyways! This is one of their first sasuhina moments😢💕 and there will be a lot more in the near future. Send me some ideas guys!!! Hope you enjoyed this. Ciao!

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