Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven // Victoria

Derrick was oddly keen on hanging out with me lately.

He kept asking me when I was free to hang out with him. It was awkward, to say the least, because my schedule was always and would always be revolved around my gang of friends, and I was hesitant on ditching them to hang out with Derrick. I wouldn't feel so awkward saying no to him if he didn't add, "Just the two of us," after his invitation, but he did. He always did.

"Texting Derrick again?" Atlas asked, eyebrow lifted. "You two text a lot."

We were sitting side by side on his sofa. I sighed and dropped my phone beside me, laying down to rest my head on his thighs with my eyes shut. "He wants to hang out." Again.

"When? Why?"

"Dunno," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. "He just asked."

I felt his hand threading through my hair and smiled, snuggling closer to him. At least some good came out of this.

"Just the two of you again?" he asked absent-mindedly, massaging my scalp gently.

I fought back a grimace. "Yeah. I don't know if I'm going though."

He noticed and chuckled. "Why the face?"

"I enjoy spending time with him, really," I started explaining, sighing. "It just feels a bit weird, I guess. I don't even know why, but I get this feeling that he wants to be... More than just friends? I'm not sure."

"Like what Kellin said," Atlas pointed out.

"Yeah," I breathed softly. "Something like that."

Silence followed after that. I just laid there, content, while Atlas ran his fingers through my hair tenderly. My heart was thumping way too quickly than I'd like in my chest, but I kept my breath steady, loving every moment of his touch.

Then his posture stirred, and his movement became slow and uncertain. "Do you... like Derrick that way?"

I froze, not expecting that. "Derrick?"

"Yeah, him."

I opened my eyes to observe his expression. His eyes were fixed on my hair and focusing there, though, so it was practically blank. A part of me wanted to lie just to see his reaction, but I decided against it. "Nah. Not like that anyway."

His gaze did move to meet mine this time. I watched as the corner of his lips curled up to form a small smirk. "Bet he wouldn't be too happy to hear that."

At that, we both chuckled. My voice faded out sooner, since I was soon reminded of Rachel and Lisa. Being the opportunist that I was, I voiced my question.

"Speaking of labels and potentiel relationships, are you trying to get a date?"

His hand stopped for a second, and my heart sank lower, even though he feigned innocence. "What? No. What gave you that idea?"

I shrugged. "What happened with Rachel and that study date. You know you can tell me even if you don't want others to know, right? I can set you up with whoever."

It pained me to say it, but I had to. Before he was my crush, he was my best friend, and I would do that for his happiness, even if it meant my own pain.

He gulped and moved his agze back to my dark hair pooled by his thigh on the sofa. "It's not what it seems. I swear. I didn't know what got to me when I invited Rachel. She told me her boyfriend was busy that day and she would be alone during lunch, so it just happened. As for the study thing- ugh. It's not even a date. Tony was just being a prick."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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