Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine // Victoria

"Gotta stay after school for the girl's tryout today," I announced the moment I plopped down in my seat, bring the guys' attention to me. "Who wants to watch it?"

They all exchanged looks.

"Will Lisa be there?" Kellin asked carefully.

"Unfortunately, yes," I said, forcing down my grimace.

They all groaned.

"You know we wouldn't miss it," Tony said grumpily, picking out the tomatoes in my sandwiches for himself.

"Still kinda wish we can avoid her though," Ted said, depressed.

"It'll be quick," I promised with a small smile. "Thanks guys."

"I hope she sucks," Tony bluntly said.

Kellin and Carson both snorted, then said in union, "I'm sure she does." They high fived each other.

"That's not very nice," I pointed out.

"She's not very nice," Atlas retorted.

"Preach it brother," Tony praised.

I swatted his hand off my sandwich. "Tony, stop. And guys, please try to keep your burning hatred to yourself. I don't want people to think I'm bias because I'm always with you and your negativity."

Kellin snorted loudly. "Ungrateful bitch."

I grinned. "Why else do you think we're friends?"

He smirked. "True that."

"I don't know why you're all acting like this is nothing," Ted said stressfully, ranking his hands through his already messy hair. "I will not lie. I am fucking terrified of her. She is the scumbag of this planet and we are about to be with her with very few witnesses. I really should've brought a bat or something, just in case."

"Shit," Tony suddenly swore. "Is it just me, or is said scumbag coming in our way?"

My eyes widen. I didn't turn to look, but the collective quiet cussing around the table confirmed it. "Occupy the seats," I hissed, casually pushing my bag next to me.

They clumsily push their bags to fill any vacant seats at our table, not even trying to be discret or subtle. I mentally facepalmed and groaned. They would not survive in this world. To be honest, I wasn't even sure if she wanted to come sit with us. I just wanted to make sure she couldn't regardless of her intention.

"Hi there. Victoria, right?"

I finally turned my head to look at Lisa, standing too close than I'd like in front of me. Her soft-looking, pin-straight brown hair was tied up in a high ponytail, unlike usual. It was probably for the basketball tryout after school.

I smiled at her politely. "Yes. And you are...?"

"Lisa," she said with a bubbly and cute smile. Knowing what she was capable of doing, though, my stomach twisted in discomfort. "You're captain of the basketball team, right? The same one that led the team to win national championships?"

Ususally people wouldn't mention my achievements when asking who I was at school, but, "Yeah," I finally said after a brief pause and a scan of her flawless face. It could be just me, but I thought the cafeteria was a bit more quiet than moments ago. "What about it?"

"Can I sit with you guys?" she asked, her smile widening with an excited glint in her eyes. "I think it'd be a great idea if we get to know each other before the tryout, and you know, before I join the team. We can bond a bit so we can work better in competitions and all that."

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