Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight // Victoria

"Shit," I hissed and smacked myself in the head, letting out a low groan.

"What's it, Victoria?" Carson asked, giving our Biology teacher the draft of our project we were supposed to hand in today. "Didn't do your homework?"

"I did it," I groaned, banging my head on the table. "But I left it at home."

Our teacher sighed. I looked up at her with my puppy dog eyes. "Can I bring it back to you after school? Or during lunch? I really did it."

"Yeah," Carson backed me up. "I looked at her draft for inspiration when I was stuck."

I frowned. "You did?"

Our teacher sighed again, this time louder. "You don't have your homework, then?"

"No, but-"

"Detention after school today," she said, walking away. "You still need to bring it back today. And I want to talk to you after the lesson ends, Victoria."

My head hung low. Second week at school, and I already got detention. Gotta be a new record. I bit my lip, embarrassed, when I heard people watching us snicker.

Carson patted on my back sympathetically, but knew better than to comment on anything. With a frustrated sigh, I flipped open my book and notebook, getting ready for class.

The lesson ended sooner than I'd like, and I told Carson to leave first. He had PE next, and you know, Hills. I waved him goodbye and walked to the teacher's desk after everyone else had left. Our teacher was already waiting for me.

"Victoria," she started. "You're not in trouble. I hope you know that. I apologise if I made it sound like that."

I was a bit too surprised to give her a proper respond. Not that I got the chance to. She continued almost immediately.

"You still have to go to detention," she said. "But it won't be in your record. I trust that you did your homework, but I don't want other students to think they can do the same and not be punished. It wouldn't be fair. That's why I sent you to detention."

"I understand," I mumbled reluctently.

She nodded, obviously satisfied with my reply, while handing me a detention slip and a late slip. "Very good, Victoria. You can go now. Don't forget about your draft. I expect it before the end of school."

Fuck it. Fuck you.

"Sure," I said with a silent sigh. "Goodbye, Ms Adam."

With my jaw clenched, I stepped into the now almost empty hallway and hurried to my locker. The bell rang just as I shut it, and I quickened my pace to Maths class. The teacher sent me a disapproving look after I knocked on the door rapidly and walked in with the slip.

"Gotta leave at lunch, and I got detention after school," I mumbled once I'd sat next to Atlas, banging my head on the desk.

His eyebrows lifted. "What? Why?"

I decided to just leave my head resting on the desk. "Left my homework at home. Have to get it back during lunch too."

He ruffled my hair comfortingly. "You driving?"

"Nah. I'm walking. Gotta save gas. I want a new car. The sooner the better."

"What about lunch?"

I sighed. "I'll eat it on my way, I guess."

"I'll be somewhere at the library after school. Look for me when you're done, 'kay?"

"Alright, class. It's time for the fun lesson of the day," our teacher, Mr. Watson said, clapping his hands to silent us. "Grab your books and exercise book. No more chit chat guys. Get to work."

Out Of The Brozone (on hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora